Search results: Poland

Gergely Gulyás on EU funding, Paks, and Relations with Poland

Gergely Gulyás spoke at a conference organised by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium and stated that Hungary’s dependence on the EU is not due to its 1.4 per cent contribution to the Hungarian GDP, but rather because Hungary is a part of a unified Europe and Schengen area, and the common market is essential for Hungary’s economy.

Poland Turns on Hungary in Brussels

According to press reports, Poland officially objected to Hungary’s request on Wednesday to remove nine names from the list of Russian individuals to be sanctioned.

Poland Going Nuclear

Warsaw has inked contracts worth billions of euros with US and Korean companies to build nuclear power plants.


Religious Conflict in Poland: An Interim Report

At the end of April, a Danube Institute research group completed their first fieldwork trip to examine the unique situation in Poland, which has been included in their research as a case of internecine violence. Find out more about the situation of Christianity in Poland!


A Sober Look at Ukraine and Poland

It is our position that the Russian troops must be withdrawn from the occupied territories. Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the human and minority rights within its borders must be restored.