Hungarian Conservative

Search results: peace mission, Orbán

Fulfilling Predictions, Political Compass — The Most Memorable Thoughts of Viktor Orbán’s Tusványos Speeches

As is the case every year, the speech of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will be the main event of the Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp, commonly known as Tusványos. The speech delivered here has become one of Orbán’s most significant yearly addresses in recent times, offering political guidance with his insights and, in many cases, accurately predicting future geopolitical events.

Viktor Orbán’s PfE Barred from Top Jobs as EP Goes Against Electoral Will

Mainstream political groups in the European Parliament have once again defied the will of the electorate, preventing Patriots for Europe (PfE), the EP’s third largest group, from gaining top jobs in parliamentary committees. Kinga Gál, PfE’s First Vice-Chairman, stated that they will challenge the decision at the Conference of Presidents and did not rule out taking the case to the EU’s top court.

Viktor Orbán Presents Ten-Point Plan to Achieve Peace in Ukraine

After some details had been circulating in the press for days, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán decided to release his ten-point proposal and assessment he had sent to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, following his peace mission. The document is the most detailed plan for achieving peace in Ukraine that has ever been made public since the war broke out in February 2022.

Die Welt Columnist: ‘Viktor Orbán is taking the fate of Europe into his own hands’

Viktor Orbán has been receiving increasing praise from Germany in recent days—something that has not happened for a long time. Henryk M. Broder, a columnist for the German newspaper Die Welt, lauded the Hungarian Prime Minister for his peace mission, stating that, seeing the EU’s failure, Orbán has taken Europe’s fate into his own hands and is doing so quite skillfully. Additionally, a left-wing German MP remarked that Orbán’s peace mission justifies why the EU won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.

The Atlantic Rehashes the Orbán–Trump ‘Authoritarianism’ Fear-Mongering

An opinion piece by the Washington, D.C.-based magazine The Atlantic is trying to make the case that Donald Trump’s victory in November could bring a ‘Hungary-style autocracy’ to America. Evidently, this is nothing new, just a usual hit piece by the liberal media in the US with the customary distortions, omissions, and half-truths.

Austrian Chancellor Condemns EU ‘Boycott’ of Viktor Orbán

While left-wing EU politicians are trying to organize a boycott of Hungary’s presidency of the EU Council, Chancellor Karl Nehammer of Austria has stated that he and the ministers of his party is not willing to take part in it, and vowed they will ‘continue to participate in sessions and meetings of the EU Council Presidency’.

PM Orbán’s Plan for Peace: Realistic Assessment, Realistic Targets, Proper Timetable

‘If Europe wants peace and wants to have a decisive say in the settlement of the war and the end of the bloodshed, then a change of direction must be worked out and implemented now,’ Balázs Orbán said in an interview with Magyar Nemzet. The political director of the Hungarian Prime Minister discussed Viktor Orbán’s recent peace mission and also commented on the attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump.

PM Orbán Advocates for Peace in Washington

As expected, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is continuing the peace mission he started in Kyiv last week at the NATO summit in Washington, DC. Meanwhile, the defence alliance is increasing its support for Ukraine, with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg calling the path to NATO membership for the war-torn country irreversible.