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Search results: donald trump

The People of Iran Making Their Voice Heard

While the world is caught up in the war in Ukraine, let us not forget what is happening in Iran. Let us hope that the sacrifices of those who have fought and continue to fight for their liberty from a draconian regime have not been in vain, for the people of Iran deserve better.

One Country, Two Visions: Brazil Elects

Brazil is facing presidential elections on Sunday. The outcome of the clash of the titans, Bolsonaro and Lula, who seem to be complete political opposites, will have a huge impact on the country, yet holds few consequences for the world.

What Would Benjamin Netanyahu’s Return Mean for Israel and for the World?

Although Israel is stronger than ever, the permanent existential threat the Jewish State has had to endure is still present. The stakes are particularly high, both for Israel and its allies in the wider world. Benjamin Netanyahu offers known solutions to current challenges, answers that proved to be right in the past thirteen years. This November might well be the month of the return of Israel’s longest serving prime minister.

Joint US-Korean Military Drills Are Back in South Korea

While joint US-Korean military drills were scaled down in the last couple of years, now they have returned in their past size as tens of thousands of soldiers train for a potential invasion of South Korea until 1 September. The drills are a show of force not only to Pyongyang, but to Beijing, too.

Methane: The Worst Pollutant

Methane is 80 times worse for the atmosphere than CO2, yet emissions remain largely unchecked. If there is no immediate response, all climate action will be futile.

A Backlash Against the Pro-Life Campaign in Kansas

On Tuesday Kansas voted on an amendment that was supposed to remove abortion rights protections from its state constitution. The majority of Kansans rejected the amendment in a referendum that saw a record high turnout.