Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom Gets Massive Win in Dutch Elections

The populist right-wing PVV party, known for its anti-immigration and Eurosceptic stances, won by far the most seats in the Dutch House of Representatives, 37, and got the largest share of the popular vote, 23.5 per cent, as well in last night’s special election. Party leader Geert Wilders is a long-time ally of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary.

Ariel Bulshtein, former adviser to the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu

‘If Crazy People Say They Want to Exterminate Us, We’d Better Believe Them’ — An Interview with Ariel Bulshtein, Senior Advisor to the Israeli PM

‘Israel does recognize who were the true friends and Hungary has proved for a long period of time under Viktor Orbán’s leadership that—despite the pressure from larger and possibly more powerful European countries—it can stand alone at times and will not conform with this general line that of “both sides are to blame, both sides are wrong, and let them find the solution”. Hungary understands without any doubt who the murderers are and who the victims are.’

‘Israel, Jewish Community Won’t Forget Hungary’s Support’

In a recent op-ed published on NewsMax, CASEPAC Executive Director Bryan Leib expressed his conviction that support for Israel and the Jewish people ‘starts at the top,’ reminding that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán tweeted his condemnation of the brutal attack by Hamas as soon as news of it broke. Orbán also stood up for Israel’s right to self-defence, he noted, stressing that all of this is refreshing, especially when he sees antisemitism growing in America, and thousands of Americans taking to the streets to support Hamas.

Viktor Orbán speaking at the leadership meeting of CDI in Bled, Slovenia on 18 May 2023.

Financial Times: Brussels May Unfreeze Hungarian Funds

Viktor Orbán has firmly stated that Hungary will not approve any EU budget increase until its access to the withheld funds is reinstated. The EC may now be willing to release the frozen funding to gain Budapest’s support for an increase in the EU budget to secure more financial aid to Ukraine.

Elon Musk Invited to Hungary By President Katalin Novák

The social media giant’s owner commented on Tucker Carlon’s interview with PM Viktor Orbán on X (Twitter), praising Hungary for its family protection measures. In response, President Novák invited him to the Budapest Demographic Summit this fall. Jordan Peterson also joined the discussion.

Viktor Orbán and Rheinmetall Chairman and CEO Armin Papperger symbolically launch the new Zalaegerszeg factory on 18 August 2023.

Rheinmetall’s Lynx Factory Inaugurated in Zalaegerszeg

‘If I heard about a country that produces and develops military technology together with Germany and Israel, I would think twice before I would mess with it. And this is good news for all Hungarians,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán underlined at the opening ceremony.

Hungary Became Diplomatic Hub Over 20 August Weekend

Over this past weekend that saw the 20 August celebrations and the grand opening of the Budapest World Athletics Championships, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met with the leaders of several countries, creating a one-off diplomacy summit in Hungary.