Hungarian Conservative

Search results: peter szijjarto

A Wiser Course for EU Enlargement Policy: The Western Balkans

In a recent speech Ursula von der Leyen named Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia as countries without whom the EU is not complete. She, on the other hand, only referred to the Western Balkans as a bloc, despite the fact that the accession of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia should be a priority considering the EU’s security interests.

The New Prime Minister of Britain: Liz Truss

Liz Truss has been announced as the new Prime Minister of Britain after two months of political uncertainty which saw a spike in energy costs and protests and walkouts by tens of thousands of workers.

Blackmailing and Coercion as Ineffective Tools of Diplomacy

It looks like the Biden government may end up not being able to push its anti-growth tax cartel idea through anyway, beside finding that it is very difficult to coerce the Hungarian Prime Minister into doing anything that he does not feel coincides with the interests of the Hungarian people.


Hungarian Real Estate Acquisitions in Slovakia: Threat or Investment?

Until now, Hungarian international investments were present most spectacularly in the banking and oil industries, but the phenomenon has also been spreading to a much lesser extent in the cultural sector. This time, the hostile attitude towards Hungarian capital outflows is most noticeable in Slovakia.

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-18 - 21.53.26

A Return of the 1930s?

How was it possible for the situation of Jews in the Western world to deteriorate to such an extent that one Jewish media outlet senses a return to the anti-Semitism of the 1930s? And what has been the reaction of the international left?