Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military

The Fallen Soldier by Vasily Vereshchagin (c. 1878)

War Fatigue and the Tragedy of the Russian-Ukrainian War

According to estimates, in November Russia suffered over 900 casualties a day; thousands of Ukrainian civilians and more than 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since the start of the invasion. It is clear that the cost of the war is becoming unbearably high.

A woman looks at flags bearing symbols and colours of Ukraine that commemorate fallen Ukrainian soldiers in Independence Square, Kyiv on 1 December 2023.

Time to Reassess the Ukrainian Strategy

‘Washington and the EU need to take an entirely different approach, one that may actually work, and that is facilitate a ceasefire. Convincing Zelensky to consider this does not necessarily mean that Ukraine is to give up on restoring its 1991 borders or on holding Putin’s government responsible for the death and destruction he has caused since invading the country.’

Cardinal Mindszenty delivering a radio speech after being freed from prison in 1956 in the Buda Castle.

József Mindszenty and the Revolution of 1956

Cardinal Mindszenty played an important role in the 1956 revolution. He assumed his post as archbishop immediately after his release from captivity, appealed for international aid for Hungary, initiated the process of cleaning the church from Communist infiltration, while also being active in the political life of the country. Firmly holding onto his conservative view of himself as the most important dignitary of Hungary, he tried to set the direction of the course of events. Contrary to the recent myth-busting efforts, this direction was not reactionary or outdated.

Archduke Maximilian of Austria receives the Mexican delegation offering him the throne in the Miramar Castle.

A Habsburg Archduke on Mexico’s Throne – Part II

In 1864, Maximilian of Austria arrived in Mexico, assuming the throne of the country. He was declared emperor of Mexico as Maximilian I. Although this was only one, and quite brief, episode in his eventful life, it was the most memorable one, and the one that turned out to be fatal.

President Donald J. Trump participates in a walking tour of Cameron LNG Export Terminal on 14 May 2019 in Hackberry, La.

The Ideologies and Realities of Central and Eastern Europe’s Energy Future

The conservative position in the United States is that American exports should be ramped up to secure European energy stability and American influence, pushing back Russia’s own power across the continent while questioning the validity of the environmentalists’ alarmism in the process. While U.S. policy is already moving in such a direction through its increased LNG exports, a possible conservative administration in 2024 seems to have its agenda set to push the effort into overdrive.

A Habsburg Archduke on Mexico’s Throne – Part I

Mexico and Hungary are connected not only by their similar flag colours, or their shared love for hot and spicy food. Their histories also intersected multiple times, one example being when a Habsburg archduke briefly ruled the Latin American nation.

Bundestag, Germany

A Devastating Blow to the German Opposition?

In a fast-track procedure, the left-wing governing majority of Germany has recently amended the electoral law in force since 1949. The biggest loser of this reform may be the current opposition: two opposition parties (CSU and The Left) could be dealt a fatal blow by the new legislation. Until now, this kind of procedure has been a real taboo in German political culture, which has always advocated for the need of consensus on every issue. The opposition is appealing to the Constitutional Court and will fight with all its might to abolish this new electoral reform.

The homecoming ceremony for the 15th rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces Iraqi Training and Assurance Contingent (MH IKBK) in Székesfehérvár on 13 April 2023.

Hungarian Defence Forces to Extend Contribution to NATO’s Iraqi Mission

Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated the Hungarian government’s position remains clear: migration must be curbed and the problem must be dealt with locally. Migration and terrorism go hand in hand, which is why Hungary will continue to contribute to NATO’s collective defence tasks and joint action against terrorism as a valued member of the alliance.