Search results: donald trump


CURRENT Viktor Orbán on 23 October: ‘History may overflow its banks again’ During his speech on the 68th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom


Globalization, Democracy, and Discontent

In the wake of a global pandemic, Western democracies have become hugely indebted, weak, self-loathing riven by incessant migration and beset by an identity crisis. What went wrong?

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Evolution of the Political Role of the European Commission

Frequent charges against the Commission are predominantly based on the fact that it lacks democratic legitimacy for making decisions regarding issues of ideology, and it is not held accountable by anyone for its political decisions, which would certainly be unthinkable in democratic circumstances.

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Demophobia and the Politics of Fear

It is our belief that the Western liberal elite’s irrational hatred of Hungary’s political culture is driven by a deeply entrenched sense of insecurity regarding its own legitimacy.


The Ongoing Plight of Iraqi Christians

While millions of displaced Iraqis returned to their homes, many Christians never did. Those that went back, approximately 45 per cent, have been faced with great challenges rebuilding their lives, much more so than their Muslim co-nationals.


The Forgotten Genocide in Yemen

Why has the majority of the international community criminalised Vladimir Putin, but has for the past seven years refrained from publicly challenging or criticising the US government’s implicit role in the Yemeni genocide?