Hungarian Conservative

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European Researchers’ Night Begins on Friday this Week

In addition to popular and spectacular chemistry experiments and anatomical tours, for the first time, a rescue helicopter will also be featured among the attractions, landing in front of Debrecen University’s central building. There, organizers will demonstrate the rescue process and emergency care to the interested visitors. Work with therapy dogs will also be showcased in Hajdúszoboszló and Debrecen.


Budapest Is Hosting NATO Innovation Week

Two major NATO innovative bodies, the NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) and the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA), are holding their conferences in Budapest, Hungary this week. To mark the occasion, the Hungarian Ministry of Defence announced the hosting of the ‘NATO Innovation Week’.

Vincent Van Gogh: The Langlois Bridge at Arles, 1888

The Minority-Sized Rift Between Budapest and Kyiv

Hungary’s complex Ukraine policy is influenced by its desire to protect ethnic Hungarians in Transcarpathia. Can Ukraine’s compliance with Hungarian demands lead to more support and cooperation, especially given Hungary’s historical experience with Russian aggression?

Hungary Became Diplomatic Hub Over 20 August Weekend

Over this past weekend that saw the 20 August celebrations and the grand opening of the Budapest World Athletics Championships, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met with the leaders of several countries, creating a one-off diplomacy summit in Hungary.

Veronika Varga-Bajusz delivers her remarks at the opening of the summer university in Budapest on 26 July 2023.

26th Carpathian Basin Hungarian Summer University Opens with 150 Participants from Neighbouring Countries

Deputy State Secretary for Higher Education at the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Innovation Veronika Varga-Bajusz talked about the challenges of preserving the identity of Hungarians beyond the border. She stressed the importance of creating opportunities for young Hungarians to study and work in their homeland, as it serves the development and strengthening of the Carpathian Basin. She stated that as long as there are knowledge-seeking Hungarian youths, there is a Hungarian future.

University of Debrecen Signs Agreement with BMW Group

‘University of Debrecen Foundation Board of Trustees chairman György Kossa said that when two global brands, BMW and DE, come together, it sends a strong message to the students studying at the university, and to the residents of the region as well.’

Anti-Semitic Incidents on the Rise in Western Europe and the US, on the Decrease in Hungary, MCC Study Finds

Referring to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ (FRA) 2018 survey, Máthé raised attention to the fact that hostility, threats and psychical attacks against Jewish people are most commonly reported in France, which has the largest Jewish community in Europe. However, despite having a significantly smaller Jewish population, Sweden is also considered an unsafe place for Jewish people. As opposed to that, Hungary, with a Jewish community almost three times larger than that of Sweden, records far fewer incidents—the number is between five to eight times lower compared to the Scandinavian country.