Hungarian Conservative

Search results: CPAC Hungary 2024

Leader of the French party Rassemblement National Marine Le Pen and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán attend a joint press conference in the Prime Minister’s office, Budapest, Hungary, 26 October 2021.

A European Alternative: The Origin and Future of Patriots for Europe

‘Although the political forces thinking in terms of a European alternative failed to replace the Brussels Grand Coalition in the 2024 EP elections, there is a real chance that they could organize themselves into a new right-wing pole in the next five years, which could bring about a real systemic change in Brussels politics.’

New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax

‘Viktor Orbán has become part of the American body politic’ — An Interview with New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax

‘The Nixon coalition that really springboarded him as such a popular President—people really forget how popular of a President he was—that was the same sort of coalition that carried Reagan, it’s the same sort of coalition that is now going to carry Trump. It’s a working-class, America First coalition, it crosses socio-economic divides, it crosses racial lines, it crosses ethnic lines, it’s a very strong and growing emerging populous majority. And I think we are going to see the fruits of that this cycle,’ Gavin Wax told Hungarian Conservative.

Geert Wilders’ PVV Makes Big Gains on First EP Election Day

Despite slipping slightly from first place according to the exit polls, Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) managed to significantly increase the number of MEPs it is to send to the EP on the first day of the European elections. PVV will have seven seats in the new EP, with Wilders expressing hope that the official results, to be announced on 9 June, will confirm that his party came in first.

Jerzy Kwaśniewski, President of the Board of Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture.

Today Marks a Final Warning for All Conservatives in the EU

‘“Today marks a new chapter for Poland,” Ursula von der Leyen claimed in early May when announcing the European Commission’s decision to withdraw its case against Poland in the Article 7 procedure it had launched in 2017. I would add to that: “Today marks a final warning for all conservatives in the EU.”’

Hungarian Writer Denied Award Because He Is a ‘White Male’

Kossuth Prize-winning Hungarian writer Péter Nádas was denied a prestigious literary prize in Germany solely because he is a ‘white man.’ Two outraged members of the seven-member jury reported the incident, feeling pressured to behave not as judges but as ‘literary functionaries,’ which they refused to do.

Johann Wenzel Peter, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden / Adam and Eve in the Earthly Paradise (1800– 1829). Vatican Museums, Vatican City, Rome, Italy

History’s Relentless Turn

‘The emerging multipolar, multicivilizational world still needs and will be grateful to have a strong, rational, reliable, and consistent Western civilization…But for that to happen, common sense will have to rule us, and we must consign postmodern liberalism and the Cult of Woke to the trash heap of history.’

Europe illustration (source:

Europe Can Rise Again on 9 June

‘Conservatives are the only parties in Europe that are rising, and the left is afraid. We can be certain that a paradigm shift would wipe out many leftist politicians, and the elites that pay them clearly don’t want that to happen. They want obedient politicians who follow their agenda. On 9 June Conservatives have a mission: the reconquest of our sovereignty, the reconquest of our security, the reconquest of our economy and industry, the reconquest of our agriculture, the reconquest of our identity.’

The Sun by Edvard Munch (1911)

Towards a Conservatism On Which the Sun Never Sets

‘Besides the less remote Iberian Peninsula, the Center for Fundamental Rights now runs a dedicated operation aimed towards the oft-neglected south of the Western hemisphere, amounting to twenty-two countries, nine time zones, two languages—and countless parties, think tanks, civic groups, and allies spread from the borderland Rio Grande down to the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. This empire of actionable ideas will grow by persuasion rather than force, not as a sovereign entity but as a loose constellation of like-minded partners comparing notes on their parallel journeys to power.’