Search results: Child Protection

Minister of Justice Files Counterclaim in Court of Justice

‘Today I filed a counterclaim to the Court of Justice of the European Union over the infringement procedure on Hungary’s Child Protection Act. We continue to stand by our conviction and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union that education is a national competence and that parents have the right to decide on the upbringing of their children,’ Justice Minister Varga announced on Facebook.

Orbán Announces ‘New Deal’ to Boost Hungarian Economy

in a Friday radio interview Viktor Orbán announced a new economic stimulus programme, centred around three key measures: providing affordable housing, increasing wages, and supporting small businesses. The Hungarian prime minister underlined that Hungary cannot rely on Brussels to help the EU overcome the competitiveness trap; thus, the country must concentrate on its own priorities.

James Carafano on Hungary’s Unique Role as a Connector of Global Conservatism

James Carafano is a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, an accomplished historian and teacher, as well as a prolific writer and researcher. He currently serves as Senior Counselor to the President and E.W. Richardson Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He sat down with conservative outlet Mandiner while he was in Budapest for the Fourth Danube–Heritage Geopolitical Summit in September.

CPAC Hungary 2024 – International conservative conference in Budapest, 25–26 April 2024

Culture Warriors on the Danubian Stump

‘Hungary is the tell-tale sign that legal norms and moral niceties have fallen prey to corrosive ideologies, but other would-be leaders who attended CPAC this year and were inspired by its statesmanlike example should not be fooled. If they win, they are next.’

Participants at the Rome Pride on 15 June 2024

US Embassy Pride Picnic: Tea Party on a Civilizational Titanic

‘“There is not enough money in the world for us to put our children and grandchildren into the hands of LGBT activists,” said Orbán earlier this month. We are all in a very bad place when basic moral sanity like that is an act of uncommon courage…It is unlikely that Orbán will show up at the American ambassador’s queer picnic. In civilizational terms, the prime minister will be missing a tea party on the deck of the Titanic.’