Hungarian Conservative

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A Transvaluation of European Values

For years, Hungary has been under regular attack from Brussels for allegedly failing to respect ‘European values’. It is worth examining these values to see if it is in any way wrong not to respect them in the way that the representatives of the liberal mainstream in the Western world expect, and whether our entire civilization should not instead perform a paradigm shift, radically transforming its values.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky in 1929.

Jabotinsky — The Intellectual Giant Behind Likud Policies

Jabotinsky was an old-fashioned nineteenth-century national liberal and a committed democrat, but it is still a matter of debate whether the same can be said of his supporters. The Zionist writer described his early worldview as ‘liberal anarchy’ in which ‘every individual is [worth as much as] a king’. The free market, freedom of the press, equality for women and respect for minority rights were fundamental tenets of his thinking. But there is good reason why there is an intense historiographical debate concerning Jabotinsky’s views.

Julian Dorio, drummer of the US band Eagles of Death Metal who performed at the Bataclan theatre on the night of the Islamist massacre, pays his respects to the victims on 8 December 2015.

The Ongoing Islamic Dilemma

‘There will never be a full-proof manner in individualizing who within a Muslim community is a terrorist. At the same time, doing absolutely nothing, like the elite in Brussels does, only harbours Muslim jihadists on our front porch while they are preparing for the next attack.’

Leaders of the Polish liberal opposition parties (L-R) Szymon Holownia and Wladyslaw Kosiniak Kamysz of the Third Way party, Donald Tusk of the Civic Coalition, and Wlodzimierz Czarzasty and Robert Biedron of the Left party pose with the signed coalition deal at the Polish parliament in Warsaw on 10 November 2023.

Polish Elections Constitute a Setback to European Conservatives

‘Once the power transition issue subsides, revenge is likely to become a central issue in Polish politics. Among the presumed incoming government’s proposals are journalistic purges and political show-trials, precisely the sort of banana-republic behavior anti-PiS voices have long alleged on the part of the outgoing government.’

Joe Biden Under Water in Virtually Every Poll

President Biden has to fight off multiple challengers from left-wing third-party and independent candidates, and attempt to turn around a very low approval rating of his economic policies. In light of the most recent polls, even some in his own party are questioning whether he should run for re-election next year.

Debates about Hungary — Debates about Germany?

In general, the negative image of Hungary currently prevailing in Germany and Europe provides a summary explanatory model for why German conservatives have such reservations about Hungarian politics…When supporting Hungarian positions, German conservatives not only have to make significant discursive efforts, but sometimes also see the foundations of their own political projects as thereby threatened. The risk thus often seems too great for many.