Hungarian Conservative

Search results: migration

Archduke Maximilian of Austria receives the Mexican delegation offering him the throne in the Miramar Castle.

A Habsburg Archduke on Mexico’s Throne – Part II

In 1864, Maximilian of Austria arrived in Mexico, assuming the throne of the country. He was declared emperor of Mexico as Maximilian I. Although this was only one, and quite brief, episode in his eventful life, it was the most memorable one, and the one that turned out to be fatal.

Rule of Law Double Standard Put on Glaring Display in EP Debate

Balázs Hidvéghi, MEP for the ruling Fidesz party in Hungary, pointed out how the European Union treats rule of law concerns completely differently in the case of the left-wing Socialist party in Spain than it does in the case of the right-wing conservative Fidesz party in Hungary.

Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom Gets Massive Win in Dutch Elections

The populist right-wing PVV party, known for its anti-immigration and Eurosceptic stances, won by far the most seats in the Dutch House of Representatives, 37, and got the largest share of the popular vote, 23.5 per cent, as well in last night’s special election. Party leader Geert Wilders is a long-time ally of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary.

The homecoming ceremony for the 15th rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces Iraqi Training and Assurance Contingent (MH IKBK) in Székesfehérvár on 13 April 2023.

Hungarian Defence Forces to Extend Contribution to NATO’s Iraqi Mission

Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated the Hungarian government’s position remains clear: migration must be curbed and the problem must be dealt with locally. Migration and terrorism go hand in hand, which is why Hungary will continue to contribute to NATO’s collective defence tasks and joint action against terrorism as a valued member of the alliance.

Greta Thunberg chants slogans into a loud speaker as she sits in front of the entrance of JPMorgan in Canary Wharf, London, on 19 October 2023.

Thunberg Is an Embarrassment — Even for Her German Comrades

Greta Thunberg has voiced the opinion that the Western media ‘brainwashes’ people about Israel, and recently wore a Palestinian scarf to a climate protest in Amsterdam. As a result, Fridays for Future Germany has repeatedly distanced itself from their Swedish comrade, saying that they do not compromise on antisemitism and that protecting Jewish lives is important to them. ‘She does not represent Fridays for Future Deutschland’, they tweeted.

János Bóka conversing with his Italian counterpart Raffaele Fitto on 15 November 2023 in Brussels.

Why the EU’s Ukraine Policy Ought to Be Reassessed

Minister of EU Affairs János Bóka of Hungary told reporters in Belgium on Wednesday that the EU’s policy of sending excessive military aid to Ukraine should be critically re-evaluated. The minister also declared that the EU must demand that the hostages held by Hamas be released immediately and unconditionally.