Hungarian Conservative

Search results: migration

Viktor Orbán: Hungary Unique in Trying to Hold Back Europe From ‘Even Greater War’

Orbán told his audience in Veszprém that Hungary was the ‘first and only’ country trying to ‘hold back the European people from willingly marching into an even greater war’. Referring to the ‘chivalry of the Hungarian people’, he said that ‘again and again those whom we saved turn against us’ when ‘we are defending them’. He went on to state that Hungary had defended Europe against migration ‘and we were the first to propose peace instead of war, which might have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.’

‘We need a substitute for the Old Country’ — A Conversation with the Lengyel Family at the Magyar Tanya* in Philadelphia

‘Today we still need a place to come together, to cherish our nationality, traditions, and customs. We need a place that is truly ours, that is a substitute for the Old Country, and that welcomes all our fellow citizens who approach us with goodwill. Today we still believe in the principles on which this organization was built, and to which we must continue to adhere if we are to survive.’

Supporters of the main opposition party Civic Coalition (PO) wave Polish flags at a rally in Pruszkow on 13 October 2023, the final day of campaigning before the parliamentary elections.

Parliamentary Elections in Poland: A Generational Crisis of Conservatism

‘The effective exploitation of the sentiments of disappointment and hatred towards those in power and the embarrassment of parochial Polishness in opposition to an enlightened Europe triggered an incredible effect in the form of votes from young voters. Young voters most of whom, despite their youthful ideological fervour, do not recall the consequences of the rule of the opposition parties, especially the left-wing one, which they once again helped enter parliament.’

Minister Navracsics: EU Funds Likely to be Unlocked Soon

The minister explained that the negotiations’ next phase, according to plans, will commence this Thursday. The goal of the government is to start the financing of EU projects as soon as the negotiations regarding the authorizing of the release of the funds are completed.