Hungarian Conservative

Search results: migration

Ariel Bulshtein, former adviser to the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu

‘If Crazy People Say They Want to Exterminate Us, We’d Better Believe Them’ — An Interview with Ariel Bulshtein, Senior Advisor to the Israeli PM

‘Israel does recognize who were the true friends and Hungary has proved for a long period of time under Viktor Orbán’s leadership that—despite the pressure from larger and possibly more powerful European countries—it can stand alone at times and will not conform with this general line that of “both sides are to blame, both sides are wrong, and let them find the solution”. Hungary understands without any doubt who the murderers are and who the victims are.’

Péter Szijjártó Emphasizes the Importance of the International Community Acting Together

Minister Szijjártó expressed Hungary’s deep concern over the Israel terrorist attacks and their potential consequences, which could easily lead to one of the largest humanitarian disasters in history. He believes that this tragedy occurred at the worst possible time, as the process of normalizing the situation had just begun, and significant steps had been taken towards peace, which now could be jeopardized and rendered null.

Polish Conservatives Are Shaky Ahead of Parliamentary Election — And This Could Have an Impact in Hungary, Too

‘According to recent polls, neither United Right nor Civic Platform will be able to form a government on its own…Donald Tusk’s situation seems easier in that he may have a realistic chance of including both the aforementioned Lewica and the Third Way alliance in the future governing coalition. This does not mean, however, that it would be easy for him to govern with these parties, and indeed such multi-party coalitions—let us not forget that the KO is itself an alliance—are often not very stable and long-lived.’

Australia and Present-day Geopolitical Challenges

‘What sacrifices would the Australian nation be prepared to make now? I suspect that we will have to make some, more than we have recently had to—sacrifices in treasure, at least, if we are to avoid having to make them in blood. Because dictatorships are on the march, not just here in Europe and in the Middle East, but in East Asia too, and the only way to see off aggressive bullies is to meet them with an equal measure of strength and determination.’

Boats used by migrants to cross the Mediterranean towed into the port of the Sicilian island of Lampedusa on 25 September 2023.

Fidesz MEPs: Hungary Will Not Tolerate Migrant Ghettos

Fidesz-KDNP MEPs spoke out firmly against the mandatory distribution of migrants in the EU following the debate on the new EU asylum and migration package in the European Parliament. ID and ECR MEPs expressed the same sentiment to the Hungarian press.