Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military

István Tisza, leader of the National Party of Work gives an electoral speech in Sopron in April 1910.

The ‘Iron Earl’: The Life and Political Credo of István Tisza

Count István Tisza is still blamed by liberal and left-wing historiographers for Hungary entering WWI, despite clear evidence of his anti-war stance. It is rather anachronistic to hold Tisza to democratic standards that did not exist at the time and with the wisdom of hindsight: the knowledge of how the war ended.

Fidesz MEPs Back Common Defence Procurement Act for EU

In a statement issued today, the Fidesz EP group has announced its support for the new common procurement act (EDIRPA) proposed in the European Parliament. The act would allocate €300 million in funds to ‘incentivise the joint procurement of urgent and critical defence products needed in the context of the response to Russia’s war on Ukraine.’