Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military

Luttwak on the Logic of War and Peace

Edward Nicolae Luttwak is an American strategist of Transylvanian extraction whose works give a valuable insight into the logic of confrontation between adversaries. His framework is useful for understanding the dynamics of any conflict, be it a clash between two palaeolithic tribes, a full-scale war or a street fight.

How 9/11 Changed Hungarian Defence Policy

Although Hungary had already cooperated with the alliance during the Yugoslav wars, 9/11 was the first major event when the country had to demonstrate its commitment to the alliance and collective defence as a full-fledged member of NATO.

How Conservatism Can Make Democracy Work Again

Hyper-democracy is already here, it will grow stronger, and we are only starting to understand its profound effects. Some of them will be detrimental, others will open up new opportunities. This might appear overwhelming and unprecedented to some, but in truth, that was the case with all great technological or political upheavals…

Cyber Winds: The East Asian Investments That Fill Hungary’s Infrastructural Sails

From the inception of post-Soviet Hungary, East Asian relations have been oriented towards trade as well as knowledge and information exchange. With the opening up of the Hungarian economy, foreign direct investment (FDI) began to flow in from Taiwan, China, and India, and was widely distributed over a diverse range of sectors including finance, retail, mining, and those that this article focuses on: automotive manufacturing and logistics.

The Essential Hungarian Landscape — A Praise of the Balaton Uplands

Year after year, tens of thousands of Hungarians make a pilgrimage to the Balaton Uplands, considered by many to be the most beautiful Hungarian region. Dear international reader, if you would like to come to Hungary, but you are already bored with Budapest—head to the Balaton Uplands, and recharge your batteries!

A contemporary depiction of the death of Miklós Zrínyi, Ban of Croatia in 1664. (Date and artist unknown)

The Wild Boar: Hungary’s Historical Villain

This Saturday marks the anniversary of the death of Prince Emeric, the first Hungarian heir to the throne, who died at a tragically young age. His death during a hunting accident gave rise to conspiracy theories about his assassination and turned the wild boar into an unusual political actor and symbol in Hungarian history.  

Péter Szijjártó with Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman and EU Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi at the Toledo Council meeting on 30 August 2023.

Hungary Will Resist Pressure to Agree to Financing of Arms Deliveries to Ukraine

Hungary will not decide on any further funding for arms or anything related to Ukraine until it receives ‘a detailed, clear account of how the approximately 50-70 billion euros sent to Ukraine so far have been spent,’ Minister Szijjártó nailed down this morning, before he left for the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Toledo, Spain.