Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military

The Postal Censorship, Strand House - Censoring letters to and from enemy prisoners of war.

When Censorship Goes Too Far

Despite the left-wing’s denunciation of Orbán as a despot because of his censorship, or for that matter that of Abdullah II, the one-sided free speech absolutism that is being promoted by the same left is nothing more than a capitulation to moral nihilism, a reason why Facebook has been removing Hungarian conservatives from its platform.

Vincent Van Gogh: The Langlois Bridge at Arles, 1888

The Minority-Sized Rift Between Budapest and Kyiv

Hungary’s complex Ukraine policy is influenced by its desire to protect ethnic Hungarians in Transcarpathia. Can Ukraine’s compliance with Hungarian demands lead to more support and cooperation, especially given Hungary’s historical experience with Russian aggression?

Viktor Orbán and Rheinmetall Chairman and CEO Armin Papperger symbolically launch the new Zalaegerszeg factory on 18 August 2023.

Rheinmetall’s Lynx Factory Inaugurated in Zalaegerszeg

‘If I heard about a country that produces and develops military technology together with Germany and Israel, I would think twice before I would mess with it. And this is good news for all Hungarians,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán underlined at the opening ceremony.

This Is How Hungary Celebrated Its 1023rd Birthday

Our nation marked the 1023rd anniversary of the foundation of its state. Celebratory events were held all across the country, from Esztergom to Debrecen, with the greatest festivities taking place in the capital city of Budapest. There, the holiday crowd was treated to an Air Show by the pilots of the Hungarian Air Force and Europe’s largest fireworks and lights show, among other things.

The crowning of Francis Joseph in the palace of the Archbishop of Olomouc (Olmütz) on 2 December 1848.

Francis Joseph: King and Emperor

Francis Joseph, King of Hungary and Emperor of Austria, was born on 18 of August in 1830. He left a complex legacy, but, at least in Hungary, he is mostly remembered as a benevolent fatherly figure.