Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Invasion of the Barbarians by Ulpiano Checa (1887)

‘That never happens in Hungary.’ True — But for How Long?

‘The fact that Hungary has to fight like hell for its right to be normal is a sign of the times. So is the fact that in America, as in almost every Western country, the borders are a fiction, our heroes are hated, our free speech is taken away from us, scientists proclaim the desirability of sculpting the genitals of children into works of art—and these things barely make news. We have grown accustomed to decadence.’

Slovakia Could be Next in Brussels’ Rule of Law Crusade

According to POLITICO, Slovakia may soon find itself undergoing a rule of law procedure, possibly leading to the European Commission deciding to freeze EU funds due to the Central European state. The contrasting paths of Robert Fico and Donald Tusk serve as a clear illustration of Brussels’ ideological warfare on member states that refuse to surrender their national sovereignty.

15 March — The Homeland Comes First

This year we commemorate the 176th anniversary of that glorious, rainy day when the revolutionary youth of Pest, joined by many of the good people of Pest and Buda, took to the streets to demand liberty and national sovereignty.

Stephen J Shaw

The Birthgap and Unplanned Childlessness — An Interview with Stephen J Shaw

‘Having a child is a vulnerability, especially for women, and particularly in today’s world, where there is no guarantee that a marriage will last. So you might find yourself on your own, and you may find yourself dependent on the state in some way. So a state putting general policies together to make it possible to have that loan towards a house, such policies in Hungary, I think are actually a potential template for other nations around the world.’

Pope Francis recites the Angelus prayer from the window of his Vatican City suite looking onto St Peter’s Square in Rome on 10 March 2024.

Is it Time to Wave the White Flag in Ukraine?

‘Is Pope Francis correct to suggest that this is a war Ukraine cannot win, and so, it should start seeking a truce with Russia? Ending the war, even a ceasefire, is not an act of cowardice, especially when there is no end in sight.’