Hungarian Conservative

Search results: migration

Learning from a Troubled Past, Opting for a Bright Future — Some Thoughts on a ‘Ferry Country’

‘Hungary is a literal crossroads nation between Europe and Asia due to its geography and culture. It exists on the edge of Western civilization, as can be seen in Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations. In his book, “east” of the Hungarian People starts what he describes as the distinct Orthodox civilization, and nearby also lies the Islamic civilization. Even though Hungary is now a part of the West, it still has links to the East, which is most notable through language as well as cultural origins and heritage.’

Adam Candeub: I Am Impressed by the Resilience of Hungarians

Michigan State University law professor Adam Candeub recently gave an interview to the Hungarian periodical Mandiner, in which he touched on a wide array of important issues, such as immigration, preserving cultural values, and the European Union trying to pressure Hungary into giving up its sovereignty.

The Plenary Hall of the European Parliament in 2021.

European Elections 2024: The EP Campaigns with a Treaty Change

The European Parliament’s new campaign proposal would not only end the foreign affairs veto by amending the EU treaties but would also give the EU more power in the area of the rule of law and migration. As part of that overreach attempt, it would also suspend Hungary’s right to hold the EU presidency.

Péter Szijjártó with Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman and EU Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi at the Toledo Council meeting on 30 August 2023.

Hungary Will Resist Pressure to Agree to Financing of Arms Deliveries to Ukraine

Hungary will not decide on any further funding for arms or anything related to Ukraine until it receives ‘a detailed, clear account of how the approximately 50-70 billion euros sent to Ukraine so far have been spent,’ Minister Szijjártó nailed down this morning, before he left for the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Toledo, Spain.