Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Former President Donald Trump addresses his fans at a rally in Bedminster, New Jersey on 13 June 2023.

Peter Van Buren of The American Conservative: ‘Trump Will Win’

The columnist argues that, despite the best efforts of the liberal elite in the media to convince them otherwise, Americans widely disapprove of President Biden’s economic and immigration policies, which he is confident will be enough to propel President Trump to victory in the autumn.

Viktor Orbán about to kiss Ursula von der Leyen’s hand as Emmanuel Macron (C) looks on in Brussels on 21 October 2022.

2024 Could Mark the End of the Spitzenkandidat System

With just over four months remaining until the European Parliament elections in June, no European political group has managed to present a real top candidate for the presidency of the European Commission, except for the European People’s Party. This raises the likelihood of 2024 marking the end of the Spitzenkandidat system.

Viktor Orbán arrives for the two-day meeting of EU heads of state and government in Brussels on 15 December 2023.

2024 — The Year of Sovereignty Protection

As for 2024: once we have passed the most difficult and dangerous year, we can move on to the next one, the year of sovereignty protection. We who are interested in Hungary remaining a Hungarian country.