Search results: 1956

‘We should not be concerned with ourselves only’ — Interview with USA Regional President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council Ildikó Mónika Pataki

‘When discussing on a diaspora level, we should not just share local reports with each other, but actually try to find real solutions to the problems. For example, nowadays, we talk a lot about how to reach people who no longer speak Hungarian. To paraphrase a Sándor Kányádi poem: we have only one homeland, and that is the Hungarian language. If the language is lost, many great things will be lost as well.’

Casablanca Conference. General Henri Honoré Giraud, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, General Charles de Gaulle, and Winston Churchill (from the left to the right). Casablanca, Morocco, January 1943

Internal Conflicts and Future Alternatives for European Integration

‘If we are looking for a more idealistic, right-wing conservative solution to the puzzle, we have to question the current form of the EU as it is. It may be appealing to the economic right, but it contains very little for the social right. This would mean either a radical restructuring of the EU to align towards more of these values or its reduction to a mere economic cooperation platform.’

The statue of Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill stands surrounded by Union Jack flags on the day of Britain’s exit from the EU in London, UK, 31 January 2020

Brexit: How We Got Here and Why You Should Not — Or Not Yet

‘That Britain chose to join the EEC in 1975 was a tragedy. That it left the EU with the utmost incompetence in 2016 was a farce caused entirely by the Conservative Party’s inability to resolve the psychological trauma of three decades. In both instances, it is the British people who have suffered and they whose trust in politics to be a force for good has, as a consequence, been destroyed.’

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Brussels, Belgium, 26 October 2023

Omnipresent von der Leyen’s Perpetual Campaign

‘The history of European integration is in fact nothing more than the history of the power struggle of the EU institutions. The powers of the institutions at the core of the current EU have been in a constant state of flux since the beginning of the European project…’

‘As long as we don’t have a shared history book in the Carpathian Basin, we have work to do’ — An Interview with Zsolt Szekeres, President of the Hungarian Human Rights Foundation (HHRF)

‘Since 1990, we have had to find new ways of explaining the issues. The communist dictatorships have collapsed, everything seems to be going fine, nice-sounding laws are being passed, but these are not being enforced, and in some cases the situation is deteriorating. The countries have European Union membership, and many border issues have disappeared thanks to the Schengen agreement, but problems remain.’

Boycott Eurovision — Stop Pinkwashing Israel protest in Barcelona on 6 April 2024

Eurovision 2024: Exorcism, Gender, Propaganda

‘Clearly, music in itself wasn’t “diverse” enough. The music, songs and dances of nearly fifty countries and even more ethnic groups, languages and cultures were not sufficiently diverse. No! Give us drag queens! Make it colourful, smelly, and sexualized, with a hint of antisemitism, and children will love it! Let’s brainwash them and shout to the world: this is Europe!’

Cesare Maccari, Cicero Denounces Catiline (1889). Palazzo Madama, Rome, Italy

Is There a Democracy Deficit in Hungary or the EU?

‘In Hungary, most of society and the government view the state of democracy operating in the institutions of the EU with growing concern and mounting criticism. This mutual criticism increasingly defines the relationship between Hungary and the system of EU institutions in Brussels.’

‘I have a deep faith in cooperations’ — An Interview with Emese Varga, Co-Founder of the Bartók Béla Boston Hungarian School and Kindergarten (Boskola)

‘Many people have asked me why I don’t devote my time to myself and my family instead of volunteering. The answer is simple: I care about Hungarian families and the community. My mission is to preserve, nurture and pass on our Hungarian identity, our rich language and culture to the next generation. Fortunately, many of us feel the same way and many of us are working for the same goals.’

Keep an Eye on America — The American Launch of The Genius of America by Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák

President of the publishing company Angelico Press John Riess expressed his hope that many American readers would find János Csák’s recent book The Genius of America a fresh take on the U.S., stating: ‘We’re always being exhorted to have an honest conversation about the issues of race or gender or privilege. So, let’s also have one about the country itself, what it meant to our ancestors and what it might still mean to us. Read The Genius of America, comment, argue, discuss, contend, debate. That is, at least I hope, still the American way.’