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Day 1 of Danube–Heritage Geopolitical Summit Concludes with Discussions on Energy and Closing Remarks

Distinguished experts gathered at the fourth Danube Institute Geopolitical Summit to talk about the consequences of the green energy transition many leftist politicians are pushing for. Then, Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia; Ambassador Péter Sztáray, State Secretary for Security Policy and Energy Security of Hungary; and Former US Secretary of Veteran Affairs Robert Wilkie took the floor for closing remarks.

‘There’s a lot that can be learned from the way Hungary is treating immigration’ — An Interview with American Immigration Expert Robert Law

‘If you’re not a sovereign nation, then you’re just a land mass where people can come, they can live, they can work, they can seek refuge regardless of what the laws actually are…You see that now you have Venezuelan gangs who have taken over American communities that didn’t have a single presence in the United States just a few years ago. This has all happened in the last couple of years under the Biden-Harris policies. ‘

The Memory of 9/11 Unites America Even in the Most Divided Times

‘For us Hungarians it is easy to empathize with Americans over their national tragedy, 9/11, given Hungary’s centuries-long history of tragic events. In many ways, 9/11 is similar to Trianon—the greatest national tragedy of the country. The most significant parallel is that, like Trianon, the memory of 9/11 unites the nation often divided in everyday life, regardless of how deep the divisions may be.’