Hungarian Conservative

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Balázs Orbán at the conference on the government’s public administration fellowship programme held at the Lónyay-Hatvany Villa in October 2021.

Balázs Orbán on Hungary’s EU Presidency, Kosovo, the Future of the EU and the US Presidential Election

Balázs Orbán pointed out that Hungarian foreign policy has long sought to draw attention to the fact that the Balkans should be offered the prospective of European integration. ‘This is another potential conflict zone that can explode just like the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. It is important for every EU country to stand in favour of the Western Balkans enlargement policy for the sake of the stability of the region,’ he emphasised.

Conservatives of Europe Come Together at Budapest Seminar

According to Fidesz deputy group leader in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Zsolt Németh the future of conservatism in Europe is bright, as right-wingers on the continent are ‘coming closer together’; and that therefore the slogan of the Budapest seminar could rightly be ‘Conservatives of Europe, unite!’

Viktor Orbán: The Hungarian People Will Again Be Proven Right

Viktor Orbán explained why his politics will eventually be proven right: ‘We were the only ones who said that borders must be protected during the migration crisis. Later, more and more EU member states realised that we were right. The same will happen regarding the war’, he underlined.

Solutions to Europe’s Challenges Can Only Be Found Collectively — MEPs Discuss Schengen and Central Europe at Roundtable in Budapest

György Hölvényi underscored the importance of exercising caution with the concept of Schengen and open borders. It represents an economic and political opportunity that can be mishandled, potentially signalling Europe’s disintegration if not properly managed. Ensuring proper protection of external borders is essential to avoid issues emerging with internal borders, he warned.

Szijjártó: Hungary-Israel Cooperation at All-Time High

During his joint press conference with his Israeli counterpart, Eli Cohen, Péter Szijjártó said the cooperation between the two countries has always been characterized by mutual respect. Hungary has always supported the right of the Jewish state to self-defence and to guaranteeing its security, the minister nailed down.

Péter Szijjártó Holds Talks with Egyptian Counterpart

During a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, Péter Szijjártó emphasised that the relationship between the two countries has always been based on mutual respect, and Hungary greatly benefits from it in terms of security and economy.

The NatconUK Conference Focused on Many Policy Debates Important to Hungary

A major focus of the conference in London was placed upon pro-family policies to increase population as an alternative to immigration. Traditionally, Britain has not focused on declining birth rates, aging societies, and pro-family policies to offset population declines. As opposed to that, in its own commitment to preserving national culture and values, Hungary has pursued fruitful efforts to support families and prevent leftist indoctrination of young people through the public education system.

Anti-Semitic Incidents on the Rise in Western Europe and the US, on the Decrease in Hungary, MCC Study Finds

Referring to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ (FRA) 2018 survey, Máthé raised attention to the fact that hostility, threats and psychical attacks against Jewish people are most commonly reported in France, which has the largest Jewish community in Europe. However, despite having a significantly smaller Jewish population, Sweden is also considered an unsafe place for Jewish people. As opposed to that, Hungary, with a Jewish community almost three times larger than that of Sweden, records far fewer incidents—the number is between five to eight times lower compared to the Scandinavian country.