Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military

Mihály Varga: The 2024 Budget is a Defence Budget

The 2024 budget is a defence budget because during times of war, Hungary needs a budget that guarantees its security, protects families, pensions, jobs, and reduces utility costs, the Hungarian finance minister stated in parliament on Tuesday.

Ministry of Defence Moves to Historic Location

The collection of the Military History Institute and Museum will be housed partly in the modern exhibition space of the Bálna centre in Budapest, and partly in Székesfehérvár, ‘one of the most significant centres of Hungarian history.’ The Military History Archives will continue to operate unchanged in its original location.

Jászság, the Land of the Descendants of Iranian Nomads

As opposed to the simplistic xenophobia narrative, Hungary is a multifaceted country with diverse regions and identities, each of which contributes with its uniqueness to the country’s rich cultural landscape. One of the regions that is a living proof of that is Jászság.

Péter Szijjártó Addresses Global Security Concerns

The Foreign Minister pointed out that the higher the risk of terrorism, the greater the chance of increased migration pressure on Europe, adding that Hungary is now among the first to face waves of migration, as the Western Balkan route has become primary. ‘Therefore, combating terrorism is a key issue for Hungary,’ he stated.

Stop the Unwinnable War! — Samuel Charap Urges US-Russia Negotiations in Powerful Op-Ed

According to Charap, as the dragging on of the war is not in the interest of either the West or Ukraine, there is need to look for another way of approaching the conflict. While an actual peace treaty between the two sides that invested so much into this conflict might look unlikely, negotiations are nevertheless possible—and the West should facilitate these negotiations.

Diminished But Unbroken — The Fate of Hungarians Living along the River Garam

What does the lower reach of the River Garam mean to Hungarians? For some, it is just a region of the Uplands, for others, a beautiful, wide, flat, and fertile valley surrounded by hills, while many people do not even know where to look on the map when they hear its name. For ethnic Hungarian local historian Gábor Juhász, it represents his homeland, a place where his ancestors had lived for hundreds of years.