Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Daniel Freund

Daniel Freund, the Ignoramus, and the EU Funds Due to Hungary

German Green MEP Daniel Freund thought that 23 October was the right time to publish the report on Hungary by the EP’s so-called Supervisory Body. He is proud to have been involved in its preparation, which is a shared pleasure for all of us, as his involvement is a guarantee that the document cannot be taken seriously.

Gyula Tellér accepting the Széchenyi Prize in 2015. Behind him are President János Áder, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and House Speaker László Kövér (L-R).

In Memoriam Gyula Tellér — An Obituary by Balázs Fekete

‘For Gyula Tellér, humanity, nation, education, and critical thinking were the core values. First and foremost, he believed in humanity, as well as in civilization and its achievement. He believed in the human being as an individual who is able to contribute to society, and who takes responsibility for his own

The Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma.

The Present ‘Dark Period’ of Christendom and the Need to Resurrect from It

‘Instead of ‘making disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; teaching them all that [Jesus Christ commanded]’, (Matthew 28, 19-20) members of the Catholic hierarchy are promoting, at least inadvertently, a culture of relativism and indifferentism—both equally venomous to the moral progress of the human race.’

Hungary Deepens Strategic Cooperation with Huawei to Boost Digital Transformation

On the margins of the Hungarian PM’s visit to Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen, Minister of Economic Development Márton Nagy and Gao Weijie, the CEO of Huawei Technologies Hungary and the Western Balkans Region signed a memorandum of understanding, further deepening the strategic cooperation between the Hungarian government and Huawei that began in 2013.