Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Tug of War by Nikolya Bogdanov-Belsky (1939).

Georgia’s Energy Relations with Hungary Might be the Key to Its Future in the European Union

‘Hungary’s support for Georgia makes sense in a number of ways. With both nations having brutal histories of Russian domination, Hungary understands the struggles Georgia has had in coming out of Moscow’s shadow after so many years behind the Iron Curtain. While Hungary offers support to a fellow former communist satellite state to realise a future better than its past, Georgia offers Hungary and Europe the resources needed to maintain that future.’

People enjoying a concert at the 2023 Tusványos Festival.

Embracing Our Humanity: Celebrating Unity and Compassion Despite Differences

‘Tusványos advertises itself saying “the participant coexists peacefully with the organiser, the politician with the politician, the speaker with the singer, the cotton candy with the anklet, the loudspeaker with the bright lights, the bear with the forest…” And this is precisely what I saw as I talked with locals, ranging from the elderly to young mothers with children, all enjoying this festival, some happy to attend the lectures while others openly opposing the the politics of Fidesz, but none unfriendly.’

Dragon parade in China.

Two Suns in the Sky: Hungary’s Divergence with the West on China

‘In fairness, to say that Washington, Brussels, and Budapest have some pre-existing policy disagreements is a laughable understatement. Nonetheless, the question remains: Why is Hungary growing closer to China as the West grows further away? The short answer is: it’s complicated.’

Gyula Horn (L), Chairman of the Hungarian Socialist Party, the sitting prime minister at the time, and Viktor Orbán during their 20 May, pre-election debate at the University of Economics (today Corvinus University) in 1998.

A Quarter-Century of a Civic Hungary

This new generation renewed Hungarian politics not only in the use of language but also in the nature of governance. It was open about its value choices and did not accept that politics was merely the dispassionate administration of affairs. After decades of humiliation, it wanted to once again raise the Hungarian nation to the heights that its thousand-year history destined it for.

Strengthening Families Empowers Nations

‘Supporting the institution of marriage and families promotes social stability. Families provide the foundation for the social fabric of a society; when families are healthy and well-functioning, they provide a sense of belonging, instil values of respect, responsibility, and empathy, as well as provide basic education for children.

Mihály Munkácsy: Karlsbadi fasor

It’s Still Better to Follow the Warpath than Hit the Road to Nowhere

Uncertainty about a ‘Huxit’ scenario is not fuelled by the Hungarian Prime Minister but rather by EU bureaucrats using a one-sided interpretation of the rule of law. The Hungarian government possesses a clear mandate for EU reform, distinct from the binary narratives of full Eurofederalism or immediate exit.