Hungarian Conservative

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Trump supporters wait in line at a Make America Great Again Rally where he is scheduled to speak in Manchester, New Hampshire on 27 April 2023.

The Trump–Orbán Summit Is a Win-Win for Both the United States and Hungary

‘With Donald Trump in the White House, the abusive relationship between Washington and Budapest will end. U.S. Ambassador David Pressman will be replaced by someone who actually understands the need for an ambassador to be diplomatic. And with the European Union having reduced itself to being a vassal of the Greater American Empire, Hungary will likely be able to count on support from Washington in its everlasting disputes with Brussels.’

Political correctness (illustration) Sienda Weblines/Flickr

Ducktators, Donald Duck, and the Politically Correct Left

‘Communist-inspired wokeness, under the pretension to promote ‘anti-racism’, has not only captivated university campuses and social media, but it has also infiltrated the mindset in the workplace, in both the public and private sectors. This has given birth to cancel culture, which, like the National Socialists, both censors or restricts free speech and erases or reconstructs history to befit whims.’

Donald Trump welcomes Viktor Orbán at his Bedminster, NJ estate on 2 August 2022.

Opportunities for U.S.–Hungary Relations in the Next Trump Administration

‘For conservatives of both nations, a Trump victory in November would be highly significant. For Hungary, strengthening political and business relations with a key ally gives the country even greater leverage with its European counterparts and cements the Orbán government as the cornerstone for European relations with the United States for at least the next four years. For the United States, having not just an ally, but a friendly government in Europe with similar geopolitical aims that can act as a conduit to Russia and China will be exceedingly important for geopolitical and economic objectives.’

President Donald Trump with other NATO leaders poses for a family photo on 11 July 2018. Viktor Orbán can be seen behind the President to the right.

PM Orbán Set to Meet President Trump on 8 March

Former US President Donad Trump has been frequently speaking of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in complementary terms on the campaign trail lately. The two statesmen met once already: in May 2019, Trump hosted Orbán in the White House.

Troup Hemenway

Troup Hemenway: ‘Trump would give back to the Americans what the Democrats took away’

‘The public mood has been turbulent since 2021. From a campaign perspective, it’s astonishing the current administration is actually trying to prosecute the main political rival of the sitting president. They’re doing that while also implementing policies that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of people flooding over the border illegally each month and doubling or tripling the cost of food and fuel. People see and feel all of this, and they’re frustrated. As a result, they’re going to vote for change and I expect Conservatives will see success in 2024,’ Troup Hemenway, Heritage Foundation senior consultant and one of the leaders of Project 2025 Troup Hemenway opines.

Former President Donald Trump addresses his fans at a rally in Bedminster, New Jersey on 13 June 2023.

Peter Van Buren of The American Conservative: ‘Trump Will Win’

The columnist argues that, despite the best efforts of the liberal elite in the media to convince them otherwise, Americans widely disapprove of President Biden’s economic and immigration policies, which he is confident will be enough to propel President Trump to victory in the autumn.