Hungarian Conservative

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Kurultaj, Hungary’s Largest ‘Tribal Assembly’, Held Over the Weekend Amidst Great Interest

The ninth Kurultaj traditional tribal assembly took place in Bugacpuszta amidst great interest over the weekend. ‘These traditions are not merely entertainment; they form the basis of our identity. They provide an opportunity for both present and future generations to learn about and respect the lifestyle, culture, and values of our ancestors,’ State Secretary for Bilateral Relations Boglárka Illés emphasized in her opening speech at the event.

Anonymous, St Catherine of Siena Besieged by Demons (ca. 1500). Warsaw National Museum, Warsaw, Poland

Europe at an Ideological Crossroads: Unity in Progressivism or Sovereignty in Diversity?

‘Europe finds itself at a critical situation, faced with a fundamental choice between unity in progressivism or sovereignty in diversity…Central to this decision is the recognition of Europe’s intrinsic diversity, rooted in centuries of history, cultural exchange, and shared heritage. This diversity, inherently European, forms the essence of the continent’s identity and should be cherished and preserved. Importantly, efforts to import diversity from external sources often lead to fragmentation and discord, rather than enriching European society.’

A mosque in Peterborough, UK with a police car parked on the grounds for protection against potential rioting.

Recognizing the Islamic Takeover

‘Today jihadists camouflage themselves as moderate and assimilated Muslims. In their Janus-face approach, they publicly advocate free enterprise and freedom of speech and of religion, while simultaneously being involved in sharia-based subversion, encouraging hatred, segregation, and violence. Just like Jefferson who confronted the conquering nature of Islam, Western leaders must do the same before the situation truly gets out of hand, as it appears to have happened in the UK.’

Viktor Orbán delivers his speech in Tusnádfürdő, Transylvania on 27 July 2024. To his left, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly Zsolt Németh, to his right László Tőkés, President of the Hungarian National Council of Transylvania (EMNT)

Lecture of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the 33rd Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp

‘The essence of the grand strategy for Hungary—and now I will use intellectual language—is connectivity. This means that we will not allow ourselves to be locked into only one of either of the two emerging hemispheres in the world economy. The world economy will not be exclusively Western or Eastern. We have to be in both, in the Western and in the Eastern. This will come with consequences. The first. We will not get involved in the war against the East. We will not join in the formation of a technological bloc opposing the East, and we will not join in the formation of a trade bloc opposing the East.’

A portrait of President Woodrow Wilson from 12 December 1912 (detail)

Woodrow Wilson and His Global Vision of Democracy

‘At times the only way to make the world safe for democracy, as Wilson envisioned, is to assume an amoral position, which may require a courtship of impure partners, even at the risk of tolerating their immoral policies. Yet notwithstanding the apparent Wilsonian recession in the U.S.-led West, and for that matter, the rest of the world, President Wilson’s vision is so heavily rooted in American political culture that its values shall continue to have a global appeal.’