Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Gergely Gulyás: The Hungarian Nation Has No Borders

‘Nations are creations of God, borders are drawn by people. Supporting the homeland is important, and it has become a constitutional obligation. However, the Hungarian people have survived even when the leaders of the Hungarian state…forgot, gave up, or betrayed national unity, as it happened during the four decades of communism or during the periods of left-wing governments,’ the Chief of the Prime Minister’s Office stated on 4 June.

European Parliament Backs Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz’s EPA Nomination

About a week after the Committee on Budgetary Control officially rejected her renomination, the European Parliament reversed that decision and voted in favour of another six-year term for Gáll-Pelcz on the European Court of Auditors. However, on the same day, the EP also passed a resolution condemning Hungary.

Solutions to Europe’s Challenges Can Only Be Found Collectively — MEPs Discuss Schengen and Central Europe at Roundtable in Budapest

György Hölvényi underscored the importance of exercising caution with the concept of Schengen and open borders. It represents an economic and political opportunity that can be mishandled, potentially signalling Europe’s disintegration if not properly managed. Ensuring proper protection of external borders is essential to avoid issues emerging with internal borders, he warned.

Liberal MEPs Share Concerns Over Hungary’s Council Presidency

While officially, the conference’s main agenda point was the shadow rapporteurs on the current state of the rule of law in Hungary, more time was devoted to Hungary’s Council of the EU presidency set to happen in 2024, a concept none of the MEPs was thrilled about. The ongoing negotiations about releasing the frozen EU funds were often talked about as well.

Biased European Parliament Obstructs Hungarian Access to EU Funds

It can be clearly stated that over the past years, the current majority of the European Parliament has not shied away from using the tools provided to it by the treaties to assert its political will, and one of the results of its activism has been that the debate with the Commission on the rule of law in Hungary has shifted to a political-ideological level.

The Title Was Stolen From DAC 1904, Team Owner Oszkár Világi Claims

FC DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda, supported by ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia, finished second in the league behind Slovan Bratislava. The two top finishers’ game late into the championship featured a highly controversial call by the referee, which, owner Oszkár Világi claims, was a way of stealing the title from his team. Meanwhile, Sepsi OSK won the domestic cup in Romania.

The Ordeal of Illegal Migration and a Possible Solution

‘The real crisis is neither at the US-Mexican nor at the European borders. Instead, it stems from Central America. Crime, violence, corruption, and economic devastation in the region have propelled people to the border. In terms of Europe, it is the Balkans, Africa, and the Middle East that have propelled their citizens to flee inhumane situations.’

Anti-Semitic Incidents on the Rise in Western Europe and the US, on the Decrease in Hungary, MCC Study Finds

Referring to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ (FRA) 2018 survey, Máthé raised attention to the fact that hostility, threats and psychical attacks against Jewish people are most commonly reported in France, which has the largest Jewish community in Europe. However, despite having a significantly smaller Jewish population, Sweden is also considered an unsafe place for Jewish people. As opposed to that, Hungary, with a Jewish community almost three times larger than that of Sweden, records far fewer incidents—the number is between five to eight times lower compared to the Scandinavian country.