Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Finnish Elections: Conservatives Emerge Victorious

Since no party has won an absolute majority, a coalition government is expected, which is common in the country. However, it is not yet clear what kind of alliance will be established, although it seems likely that the two major right-wing parties will form a coalition government.

The Putin Arrest Warrant and the ICC Melodrama

‘Let us not forget that while most of the world has rightly condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, twenty years ago the United States invaded Iraq on false information that former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein not only possessed weapons of mass destruction, but that he had a direct link to and was harbouring al-Qaeda terrorists…The tragic results cost several thousand US soldiers’ lives.’

Hungary’s Thirst for Freedom in Politics and Daily Life

European debates tend to ignore the fact that Hungarian politics—sometimes peculiar and certainly unusual to many Western observers—is not meant to curb liberties or enable oppression but, on the contrary, to further freedom and efforts to attain it.


Hungarian–Polish Relations: An Enduring Friendship

Demonstrating that the bond between the two states is more than just political declarations or self-interested cooperation, Hungary is marking the Day of Hungarian–Polish friendship with a series of cultural events across the country.

The Importance of the Hungarian–French Summit

Last week’s invitation of the French President shows that despite Hungary having disputes with the European Union and the EU funds due to our country are being withheld, the Hungarian Prime Minister is not at all an isolated actor in European political life.

The Historic Date of 12 March: Hungary Joined NATO 24 Years Ago

The Orbán administration has committed to spending at least two per cent of the country’s GDP on defence by the end of 2024, a commitment made in 2014 by all NATO members but something many NATO countries have not yet honoured. Hungary, in fact, is set to achieve the two per cent threshold by the end of this year, before the deadline.

Jordan Peterson to Visit Hungary Again in May

In a recent discussion with British-born demographer and documentary filmmaker Stephen J. Shaw, Peterson listed Hungarian family-supporting policies as the only known example of a government-issued incentive programme that has measurably slowed population decline.