Search results: Child Protection

Viktor Orbán speaking in the National Assembly on 25 September 2023.

Orbán: The Hungarian Patriotic Government Does Not Want to Return to the Gyurcsány Era

According to the Center for Fundamental Rights, while Orbán argued for the defence of Hungary’s political, economic, and cultural sovereignty in his remarks, it became apparent from the words of the former prime minister, Ferenc Gyurcsány that defending the nation’s self-determination is not a political goal for him—which was his downfall after 2006 as well.

California Teachers Fighting Against School’s Woke Policy Get Big Win in Court

Two Christian teachers in Escondido, California sued their school district for forcing them to withhold form the parents if their child was identifying as of another gender at school. The US District Court for the Southern District of California ruled in their favour in the first phases of the civil case, granting preliminary injunction prohibiting the enforcement of the school directive, and rejecting the defendants’ motion to dismiss the case.

Budapest Pride 2023: Another Chance to Bash Hungary?

The embassies of the United States, Germany, Slovakia, and 35 other nations have put out a joint statement ahead of the Budapest Pride March, condemning the Hungarian government for allegedly not protecting the rights of LGBTQ people in the country. US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman was also present at the March, where also gave yet another critical speech.

Viktor Orbán about to kiss Ursula von der Leyen’s hand as Emmanuel Macron (C) looks on in Brussels on 21 October 2022.

Unravelling the Tug of War: Hungary’s Ongoing Infringement Battles with the EU

It appears that the European Commission and the European Court of Justice work hand in hand to move the union in the direction of a federal state. In fact, rarely does the Court rule in favour of a member state when the Commission initiates a lawsuit against it in connection with the exercise of powers affecting national sovereignty.

Rod Dreher Calls Ron DeSantis ‘Pure Orbán’ In Interview With Dave Rubin

Famed American internet personality and political commentator Dave Rubin sat down with writer and columnist Rod Dreher, also from the US, in Budapest, Hungary to discuss the state of conservatism in their home country and Hungary. They both see Prime Minister Orbán as a good model to follow for conservatives in America, and agree that he is being misrepresented in American mainstream media.