Hungarian Conservative

Search results: balázs orbán

Government Renews and Strengthens the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Political Director of the Prime Minister, Balázs Orbán has been appointed to oversee the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), which is also changing its name back to the pre-2014 one of Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA). The new president of the organisation will be Gladden J. Pappin.

The Flight of the Bumblebee: A Review of ‘The Hungarian Way of Strategy’

Balázs Orbán’s work is a penetrative exegesis of the unique success of Hungarian statecraft in the past decade as well as an astute guide for all nation-states of similar stature. The Hungarian Way of Strategy is a beacon in the fog of our ideology-driven era, meant for those whose understanding of time goes beyond the fleeting moments of the present.

MCC Brussels Is Open for Business

At the opening event of MCC Brussels, Balázs Orbán said: ’As neighbours, we need to talk and listen. This is the only antidote to the spectre of political polarization that haunts politics today.’

Anonymous, St Catherine of Siena Besieged by Demons (ca. 1500). Warsaw National Museum, Warsaw, Poland

Europe at an Ideological Crossroads: Unity in Progressivism or Sovereignty in Diversity?

‘Europe finds itself at a critical situation, faced with a fundamental choice between unity in progressivism or sovereignty in diversity…Central to this decision is the recognition of Europe’s intrinsic diversity, rooted in centuries of history, cultural exchange, and shared heritage. This diversity, inherently European, forms the essence of the continent’s identity and should be cherished and preserved. Importantly, efforts to import diversity from external sources often lead to fragmentation and discord, rather than enriching European society.’

Israeli Ambassador to Hungary Jacov Hadas-Handelsman speaks at the International Pro-Israel Summit in Budapest on 9 October 2023.

Hungary, the Last Bastion of Christian Zionism in Europe

‘An important element of Viktor Orbán’s governance is that he knows Hungarian history and has learned from its mistakes. He does not want to repeat the sins committed by the historic Hungarian state during the 20th century. Hungary’s vision has thus not been blinded by the anti-Zionism of woke ideology, and it is able to recognize that Israel is the bastion of democracy and human rights in the Middle East, while successfully holding on to its religious and national traditions.’

TISZA Party deputy chairman Péter Magyar engages with the media on the evening on the 9 June elections in Budapest

Too Many Questions Unanswered — The Péter Magyar Phenomenon

Popular anti-government actor Ervin Nagy has been named as a high-profile donor for Magyar’s demonstrations, yet some question if Nagy’s financial support is sufficient to cover the expenses of photographers, stages, audio and other electronic equipment, not to mention the honoraria of advisors and the costs of travel and accommodation. Trying to clarify the situation Magyar also cited micro-donations from ordinary Hungarians as the source of funding for his campaigns. He also promised to make his asset declaration public back in April, following a rather high-profile breakup with his ex-wife, the former Minister of Justice Judit Varga,  but he has not done it so far.

IDF Staff Sergeant Nicki, Shirel Liberman and Or Yissachar at the Danube Institute on 21 May 2024

No Matter How Hard They Try, the Truth About Hamas Sexual Violence Won’t Be Silenced in Hungary  

On 21 May, pro-Palestinian individuals aggressively disrupted an even at the Danube Institute. However, they failed to silence the Israeli representatives who came to Hungary to bear witness to the brutality of Hamas on 7 October. What they managed to do, however, was to illustrate a crucial difference between the two sides: while Israeli advocates presented their arguments intelligently and peacefully, related their painful experiences, and even when they were shouted at answered questions, the Palestinian protesters had no substantive arguments; instead, they shouted antisemitic slogans full of hatred, and in a deeply disrespectful manner, tried to do everything to silence the Israelis and those who support them.