Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military

Second Danube Summit on Geopolitics, Security, and Defense (Day 1)

‘When I look at the European economy, strangled by over-regulation, over-taxation, ridiculous green agendas and the intrusive behaviour of the EU bureaucracy, it is clear that Europe cannot grow. It is doomed to stagnation,’ former Czech President Vaclav Klaus stated at the summit.

Putin Meets with the Mothers of Soldiers in Ukraine

To reassure the public that the government cares for the soldiers in Ukraine and their families, Putin has met with a carefully selected group of mothers whose sons are fighting or have died on the frontline in Ukraine.

Average Salary in Hungary Continues to Increase

According to the latest data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), the gross average wage of full-time employees increased by 17.8 per cent in September in the case of businesses with at least five employees, budgetary institutions and non-profit organizations significant in terms of employment. The gross median wage rose by 17.2 per cent, while the net average wage, including tax breaks, by 18.4 per cent.

Crimes in War

In the Russo-Ukrainian war most probably both sides have committed acts of unjustifiable violence. What needs to be considered, however, is whether the crimes are rare missteps, or rather a systemic mode of operation of the belligerents.