Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Szijjártó: We Will Not Let Troublemakers Ruin Relations

During a joint press conference with his Romanian colleague, Szijjártó reminded that the strategic partnership agreement with Romania was signed 20 years ago and stressed that keeping it in place is in the best interest of both Romania and Hungary.

An Alliance for Liberty – Part I

Today it is again the ideal of freedom that connects Hungary, Poland and Italy. In all three countries people voted for governments that promised to follow the interest of their own nations, rather than what New York, Moscow, Berlin, Istanbul or Paris dictates or expects.

Hungary to Cut Gas Consumption by a Third by 2050

By 2050, Hungary hopes to dramatically reduce its reliance on imported gas, from its present 11.5 billion cubic metres per year, by cutting its annual gas consumption to no more than 3-4 billion cubic metres and increasing the production of non-fossil fuels.