Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military

Revisiting the Holy Crusades

Islamic scholars and activists who insist that Islam is a religion of peace go so far as to compare the crusades to, if not equate with, the jihad carried out by ISIS, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other Islamic terrorist groups.

‘Betrayers of Their Own Kin’? — The Jewish Police During the German Occupation – Part I

The ghettoisation of Jews and the establishment of Jewish police units took place in rural Hungary after the German occupation of 19 March 1944. The police was set up with the aim of maintaining the internal order of the ghettos and internment camps, as well as controlling entry and exit. In contemporary records, the police was variably referred to as ghetto police, auxiliary police, house police, internal police, but the most common name was Jewish police.

The Nord Stream Conundrum: Cui Bono?

War is as much about controlling information as controlling the battlefield. We may never learn who the culprit is behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, but it is clear who benefits from it the most—and who does not.

Fleeing Russians Should Be Allowed to Enter Europe

While Russians are desperately trying to flee their country to escape mobilisation, their struggle for life and personal freedom receives little empathy from the West with the Baltic countries bordering Russia gradually closing their borders.

Tribute to the Memory of the Thirteen Martyrs of Arad

6 October is a National Day of Mourning in Hungary remembering the Thirteen Martyrs of Arad who made the ultimate sacrifice for Hungary’s freedom and independence after the defeat of the 1848–49 Revolution and Freedom Fight.