Hungarian Conservative

Search results: Viktor Orbán

Képernyőfotó 2021-07-15 - 21.26.37

Liberalisms, Liberal, and Illiberal

Illiberal democracy
is a set-up, such as Hungary, in which democracy prevails, but without the stultifying carapace of liberal (or “liberal”) pieties and prejudices.


The Language Liberals Speak

It seems that elected Hungarian leaders on the liberal end of the political spectrum hold others to a different standard than themselves.


Focus on the Family

The elements of the family support system have been expanding year by year. Nonetheless, the most important among these is the family-friendly mentality, which—slowly but steadily—is taking shape in Hungary.


How Hungary Has Overcome Coronavirus as Firsts in the EU

Despite the hardships and the often politically motivated, reckless critics, Hungary’s strategy including opening to the East for procuring vaccine can be considered a successful, necessary and timely move of the government which put Hungary a step ahead in the EU in terms of inoculation with 44.6 per cent of its population vaccinated, compared to the EU’s 26.5 per cent average.