Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military


16 June – Remembrance Day of Imre Nagy

During the 1956 Revolution, as prime minister, Imre Nagy committed the Hungarian regime to introduce a free multiparty system, leave the Warsaw Pact, and work towards the neutrality of the country.


Progressive Violence and the Orphaned Children of the Revolution

The two political experts’ book on the violence of the political left – “Der Kampf ist nicht zu Ende” – is a real curiosity on the book market. The authors provide concise summary of a hitherto little examined topic – from the French Revolution through the Soviet era, to the present day.


The Ongoing Plight of Iraqi Christians

While millions of displaced Iraqis returned to their homes, many Christians never did. Those that went back, approximately 45 per cent, have been faced with great challenges rebuilding their lives, much more so than their Muslim co-nationals.


A Sober Look at Ukraine and Poland

It is our position that the Russian troops must be withdrawn from the occupied territories. Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the human and minority rights within its borders must be restored.


Orbán’s Challenge to Uphold Christian Democracy

Those wishing to see a fully secularised European Union and who seek to ultimately undermine religion cannot help but tremble now that Hungarians overwhelmingly gave Viktor Orbán a mandate to safeguard and promote Christian democracy.