Hungarian Conservative

Search results: military


European Green Policy – the Clash between Dreams and Reality

Some experts warned European countries more than a decade ago that their energy supply was based on ‘thin ice’ which could make the European Union vulnerable in a situation of geopolitical tension. But the EU has still not woken up from her “sleeping beauty” dream, and this mistake could be a serious blow to green hopes.


Central Europe Seeks to Reform the European Union

According to Joch, there is a kind of clash of civilizations behind the clash of worldviews in Europe. Today the most controversial issues are the redefinition of marriage, legal and illegal immigration, and the military arming of Europe. Basically, a sharp cultural division can be perceived in this matter between Western and Eastern Europe.


1956: A National Revolution

Carl von Clausewitz advised that “According to our idea of a people’s war, it should, like a kind of nebulous vapoury essence, never condense
into a solid body; […]. Still, however, on the other hand, it is necessary that this mist should collect at some points into denser masses, and form threatening clouds from which now and again a formidable flash of lightning may burst forth.

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-16 - 22.39.58

Putin’s War Through the Eyes of a Historian

Although Vladimir Putin likes to pose as a historian, it seems that he failed to learn from history that blitzkrieg-type invasions rarely worked in the 75 years since the Second World War – emphasized Mr. Roberts.