Here is the reason why the Commission is being more ‘woke than the wokest’ and why it is taking sides in a divisive debate that tears apart a large swathe of the political class in Europe.
Instead of dealing with more serious issues, it seems like that the EU will not stop its fight against the Hungarian government until it surrenders to the ‘woke’ ideologies that have been permeating the functioning of the Union for several years.
German-Hungarian economic relations developed dynamically during the ‘Merkel era’ despite the fact that on the political level, the relationship was not free from disputes.
Despite strong warnings from the United States and Israel, Poland passed a law imposing a thirty-year moratorium on all property restitutions regarding the communist era.
The 2021/22 Hungarian Presidency Programme also correlates to the emerging Korean-European dynamics of recent years.
The clear winner of the past hundred years is socialism, with a track record of struggles between its various
versions throughout the first half of the twentieth century.
What concept could play a key role in conservative thought? Perhaps authority, or social harmony, but certainly not democracy. All the same, no opponent of conservatism today can characterize conservative political parties and movements as antidemocratic elements. Our author provides unique insights into this issue.
The juristocratic turn in Europe is a particular challenge to conservative parties, a part of the political spectrum traditionally attached to the authority of politics, and the customs and cultural heritage of society.
In the context of the EU foreign policy, the V4 act as an excellent role model for the Eastern Partnership (EaP), promoting its own know-how of the European integration.
Let us present a few political insights from “theologians” – starting with Abraham Kuyper – of modern politics with a special focus on the Christian source of their thought.
Talking about the EU, the most symbolical milestone of the deteriorating relation between Christianity and political life was how the EU constitution would have failed to name Christianity and the Judeo-Christian heritage of the continent.
Considering the whole period that has elapsed since 1993, the achievement of the Hungarian political unity in Slovakia has always been sub-served by the majority thanks to her discriminatory and anti-minority actions.
Today’s sometimes toxically bipolar political atmosphere wants you to believe that conservatism – and the right in general – doesn’t care about environmental protection. It is simply not true.
The new anti-paedophilia bill passed by the Hungarian legislature on Thursday is yet another proof that the Orbán government does not just pay lip service to important issues such as combating domestic violence or defending children.
Hungary’s intention, by refusing the EU declaration, was neither to obstruct peace and stability, nor to pull back humanitarian support for the victims of violence or limit Europe’s ability to exert influence in the region.
The elements of the family support system have been expanding year by year. Nonetheless, the most important among these is the family-friendly mentality, which—slowly but steadily—is taking shape in Hungary.
The real change in the relations between the two countries date back to the early 2010s when such international and domestic events occurred which brought the two states, or rather its two leaders closer to each other than ever.
The way I see it, those Western conservatives who burn masks and agitate against vaccination place themselves on the same platform as leftist opposition parties in Hungary that criticize whatever defence measure the government introduces.
The societal offensive undertaken by the European Commission must be contextualized within a more subtle mutation, implicit in the recent history of the Old Continent.
International law has been constantly expanding and consolidating its competence over relations between state and people.
The central proposition to help decode the nature of the European polis is that the EU is simultaneously a legal and a political formation.
The former Soviet satellite states which mainly joined the EU in 2004 are the main bulwarks against the revival of ideologies with their roots in communist thinking.
The Recovery Plan is an unprecedented response to an unprecedented crisis. It also exemplifies the dilemmas the Union faces in the most turbulent period of its short history.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.