Márton Gyöngyösi, the new president of the party proposed to draw up a list of Jewish people in the country, since he thought they are a risk to national security.
The rainbow coalition envisioned in the opposition party headquarters and progressive think tanks did not necessarily resonate with the wishes and expectations of the Hungarian voters.
It seems that the louder the international left fights for Hungarian ‘democracy’, the stronger the Fidesz governments the democracy in question elects.
In order to restart the economy, Macron is proposing measures with both social and economic dimensions, including an EU-level fuel tax and EU standards to be enforced in trade agreements, and he is a strong proponent of the directives on minimum wage and gender equality.
Frequent charges against the Commission are predominantly based on the fact that it lacks democratic legitimacy for making decisions regarding issues of ideology, and it is not held accountable by anyone for its political decisions, which would certainly be unthinkable in democratic circumstances.
The opposition is growing at the political level and demanding early elections. According to Matovič, the coalition may fall in the Autumn. Sulík considers this differently: there is no reason for the government’s fall but the replacement of the Minister of Finance.
In the last decade, both Poland and Hungary have been actively formulating European policy; however, this duo is not strong enough without the active support of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is also a warning sign that the loudest criticisms of Hungary and Poland can often be heard from inside the V4.
If both elites (those of the West and of Central Europe, respectively) are ready to follow a more pragmatic political action plan, and rely on a less exclusive and lecturing linguistic regime, we can avoid the worst case scenario, which is the split and break-up of the Union, and a potential internal conflict within Europe.
Those wishing to see a fully secularised European Union and who seek to ultimately undermine religion cannot help but tremble now that Hungarians overwhelmingly gave Viktor Orbán a mandate to safeguard and promote Christian democracy.
The fundamental question of the media war whether the public broadcast media should be critical or supportive of the government, still holds relevant questions for today.
Given their considerable numbers, Roma could be a decisive force in Hungarian politics, however, due to the fragmentation of their political leadership, in the last thirty years Roma representation has not left any significant mark on Hungarian public life.
To sum up, there are the so-called ideological ‘leftists’ who are in power in much of Europe, including Berlin and Paris, and there are the pragmatic ‘rightists who are in power in the Visegrád Group countries, especially in Budapest and Warsaw, but, for the time being, they are in opposition to most of Europe.
Emmanuel Macron wants to incorporate the whole of the continent into Paris’ plans for Europe, which was already a cornerstone of President De Gaulle’s vision as well.
A recent leak of several interviews has shown a glimpse of the political manipulation done by unelected activist networks in Central Europe, but in fact this should be nothing new or surprising.
In this article, we are reviewing Hungarian minority parties in Slovakia and Romania.
This article is dedicated to discussing how Hungarian right-wing parties evolved over the last 30 years of multiparty competition.
This article is dedicated to discussing how Hungarian left-wing parties evolved over the last 30 years of multiparty competition.
Germany became one of the most influential countries not just within the EU but in the whole world in the past few decades. In this regard, we are going to examine the possible impacts of the German government’s change on Hungary.
This article aims at analysing the French programme for this semester ahead and at finding out which objectives outlined in the programme are in accordance with the Hungarian interests.
Court packing will not solve the long-term problems regarding the role of the Supreme Court in American government and American life.
The European Court of Justice ruled that Hungary failed to respect EU law by “pushing back” people entering the country illegally, but the Hungarian government has defied the ruling.
Churchill’s historical example shows the necessary difference between the realpolitican and the idealist.
It was not only the repression of personal liberties, the control over the media and the personal cult of Ceaușescu which made the Romanian one party-system infamous, but also the decline in the country’s living standards.
This article aims to provide a brief overview of the most important milestones of the two countries’ economic cooperation.
What did this enhanced French-German cooperation mean for the Visegrád countries, and what might the future hold for the two coalitions in the European Union?
Brussels’ ongoing battle with Poland and Hungary over the supposed rule-of-law violations shows why we might need to rethink the whole integration project
Interesting developments might promote cooperation between French and Hungarian political parties on a scale unseen before amidst respective electoral campaigns.
‘Even though the liberal mindset continues to define the mainstream, credit is due to the government for its achievements in keeping this trend at bay’
Is Central Europe as enthusiastic about its Western neighbours today as it was in 1989?
Several European press outlets interpreted the Polish decision as a declaration by Poland’s Constitutional Court that parts of European Union law, as it stands, are ‘unconstitutional’.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.