While in recent weeks Europe was shocked by a series of violent antisemitic protests sparked by the events in the Middle East, the ones in Dagestan, Russia stand out, as they echo the dark history of pogroms.
Hungary’s interests lie in peace, the Hungarian foreign minister said, adding that this was the reason why the government considered it important to take part in the work of the OTS, as the Turkic states ‘always stand by peaceful settlements and reducing the risk of escalation’.
Is it possible that concerns over the health and safety of EU citizens regarding the ‘illicit’ drug trade, suddenly dissipate when it becomes ‘licit’ ? If the answer to this is no, could a procedure under Article 7 be initiated against Germany, given that the dispute pertains to values defined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union?
‘All major US media outlets keeping quiet about the imprisonment of an American citizen for a political opinion—he was never even accused, let alone proven to be coordinating with the Russian state—is scary. How is it that not one journalist in American mainstream media is willing to write a single, factual, non-disparaging article about the plight of Mr Lira?’
When the Soviet intervention against the Hungarian Revolution was placed on the agenda of the UN Security Council, the Soviets immediately vetoed it: their argument was that it was no more than a ‘reactionary uprising’ supported by the US. The French, meanwhile, were of the view that not only the UN Charter had been contravened in Hungary, but also the Paris Peace Treaties, and even the Warsaw Pact that served the legal foundation for the invasion. On the other hand, the United Kingdom questioned whether the use of Soviet military forces stationed in Hungary under a valid treaty and at the behest of the Hungarian government could even be called an intervention at all.
‘The fact is, however, that the continent’s current economic situation finds only a relatively small number of EU countries in a giving mood. French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that the European Commission’s current proposal was not ‘realistic’ and that the Brussels-based body was asking too much. Similar comments have come from Berlin.’
It was Pope Gregory III (731-741) who formally instituted the feast of All Saints on 1 November when he consecrated a chapel to all the martyrs in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome; he then required the Feast of All Saints to be observed annually. Surprisingly, this celebration was originally confined to the Diocese of Rome. It was not until Pope Gregory IV (827-844) assumed the Throne of St Peter that the feast was extended to the entire Church on that day.
German Green MEP Daniel Freund thought that 23 October was the right time to publish the report on Hungary by the EP’s so-called Supervisory Body. He is proud to have been involved in its preparation, which is a shared pleasure for all of us, as his involvement is a guarantee that the document cannot be taken seriously.
According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó highlighted during the inauguration of the new office of Aldi International IT Services that the establishment of the IT service centre will create fifty highly skilled jobs. The state supported the 1.2 billion HUF investment with 120 million HUF.
A few decades ago, cloning was only the dream of the elite of the scientific world—now it is our reality. It is used in agriculture, medicine, and even in polo to improve horses. It is a little-known fact that the latter has significant Hungarian connections.
CSOK Plus is an extremely favourable, state-supported loan for families planning to have children or for those who are wish to have more children. It can be used for the purchase of a first common home, or the expansion or the purchase of a larger common home. It is available in amounts of 15, 30, or even 50 million forints with a fixed 3 per cent interest rate.
On the day before Pásztor’s death, the commemoration of the Vojvodina massacre of ethnic Hungarians in WWII took place in Csurog on Sunday, 29 October.
Professor Kollár briefed the PM about the scientific body’s work in the recent period, and the two leaders also discussed key challenges facing Hungary amidst a war, demographic and economic problems, and challenges to national sovereignty.
Zsolt Semjén, in front of nearly a thousand people at the István Square inauguration ceremony, spoke about how Petőfi’s worldview, which was built on folk-national values and Hungarian interests, has withstood the test of time. He emphasized that this vision continues to resonate with new generations today.
5,500 photographers, amateurs and professionals alike, submitted a total of 44,000 images to this year’s Hungary 365 photo contest, more than ever before. Winners will be awarded in five different categories this year.
‘The speed and eagerness with which Hungarian clubs sought to return to their old identities, with all the loyalties and connections they represented, demonstrated the power of these emotional and social meanings. And it was just as clearly a mark of the utter failure of the Party to co-opt and utilise the power of football for its own purposes. The Party abandoned the micro-management of football, paralleling its wider realisation after 1956 that, while its authority was still non- negotiable, it could and would not protect and justify it through the politicisation of society or the ideological mobilisation of the people.’
Albeit Hungary does not traditionally celebrate Halloween in its North American sense, the connection between the Hungarian commemoration of the dead and Halloween is stronger than one might think.
The 67-year-old politician passed away after a brief, severe illness. István Pásztor had led the largest Hungarian party in the Southern Hungarian region for over 16 years, from 2007 until the present day. He was re-elected as the party’s president in May of this year.
Speaking at the exhibition, Tristan Azbej highlighted that while Christian communities in the Middle East are still in a difficult situation, the persecution of Christians is most serious in western parts of Africa, with Islamic State and other jihadist groups threatening communities. In Nigeria alone, some 3,000 Christians are killed each year, therefore Hungary Helps has decided to focus its activities on that region.
Protestantism has been inextricably intertwined with Hungarian national consciousness and thirst for freedom. The Hungarian Protestant Bible translators made the Scripture accessible to Hungarians in their mother tongue, and also contributed to the development and preservation of the language. Practising Protestantism was also in defiance of the Catholic Habsburgs and Austria: Protestants were willing to suffer martyrdom rather than renounce their faith, as the fate of the Hungarian Protestant galley slaves demonstrates.
‘Hamas’ 7 October attacks have nothing to do with the grievances of the average Palestinian. Rather, it is part of their jihad (holy war) that is sponsored by the theocracy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which must be stopped…peace can only come after the Hamas terrorists are eliminated and Iran is properly dealt with.’
Speaking at a ceremony opening a BMW training centre where the first hundred students started their three-year training in September, Szijjártó said the fact that the company had chosen to establish an exclusively electric production platform in Hungary showed great confidence in Hungarians.
MFAT State Secretary Levente Magyar stated at a press conference on Monday that Stellantis, which owns fourteen automotive brands, has chosen Hungary as the hub for autonomous driving technology and electrification. ‘We are proud that Hungary…has become one of the leading automotive powers in the world in just under 20 years,’ he said, adding that the country is among the top 20 in terms of automotive production.
To mark the completion of the renovation of the Roman Catholic church, built in 1737, a mass was celebrated by Bishop of Székesfehérvár Antal Spányi. In his remarks at the Tárnok church, State Secretary Miklós Soltész lauded the collaborative effort that made the renovation project possible.
During the nominee’s parliamentary committee hearing, Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated that the leadership of the armed forces has been significantly and fundamentally renewed over the past one and a half to two years; practically the entire leadership of the HDF has changed, and all unit commanders are excellent young officers.
The famous British unorthodox feminist, Mary Harrington recently visited Budapest to talk about ‘reactionary feminism’ and progress at a Danube Institute event.
The conflict most likely broke out between a group of migrants and an organized human smuggler group. It went on for hours into the early morning, terrifying the residents of Horgos. This is actually the second similar incident in just a few weeks at the Serbian-Hungarian border.
Next year marks the 170th anniversary of Dreher Breweries, which will embark on its largest-ever investment programme, valued at over 100 billion forints, the most massive development in the history of Hungarian brewing.
Gergely Gulyás argued that if it is true that those who are furthest from the Motherland find it the most difficult to preserve and pass on their mother tongue, to nurture their Hungarian identity, then no one can take the gold medal away from the Hungarian community in Australia.
‘When Marx explained the philosophical foundations of dialectical materialism, he first of all referred to the “development of the natural sciences”, just as the representatives of today’s New Atheist movements like to claim that “science has surpassed God” when explaining their theories.’
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.