According to the ministry’s statement issued on 4 August, in July the average prices of products in 62 product categories decreased by an average of 7.7 per cent. This reduction was a result of price decreases in 53 product categories within one month. The decrease in food prices had a 0.7 percentage point impact on reducing inflation and a two percentage point impact on reducing food inflation according to the weighting of the shopping basket used by the Central Statistical Office.
‘The kuruc were never mindless rabble-rousers, just like the labanc were never simply unpatriotic traitors. While the merits and good practices of kuruc and 49ist politicians have been been amply publicised and celebrated, the labanc side was often sidelined, and as a result, their perspectives and values are still missing from contemporary politics. It would be worth devoting more attention to the ideas of the Young Conservatives from the Era of Reform. They understood that while our interests must be unwaveringly represented and fought for, Hungary cannot stand alone in turbulent times.’
‘Tusványos advertises itself saying “the participant coexists peacefully with the organiser, the politician with the politician, the speaker with the singer, the cotton candy with the anklet, the loudspeaker with the bright lights, the bear with the forest…” And this is precisely what I saw as I talked with locals, ranging from the elderly to young mothers with children, all enjoying this festival, some happy to attend the lectures while others openly opposing the the politics of Fidesz, but none unfriendly.’
In 2015, Cardinal Erdő was chosen to give the opening remarks at the Synod on the Family in Vatican City. The Cardinal, to the disappointment of progressive churchmen, reaffirmed the importance of the divine doctrine and reality of indissolubility in marriage.
In August 1837, Pest’s first permanent, Hungarian-language theatre opened at the Astoria, with the performance of Hungarian poet Mihály Vörösmarty’s drama Árpád ébredése (The Awakening of Árpád)—this was the first period of the Pesti Magyar Theatre, which later became the National Theatre.
‘By compromising its freedoms of speech and expression as a means by which to satisfy its international partners, Sweden and Denmark are revealing themselves to be far more ruthlessly utilitarian, and far less naïvely socialistic, than most observers might think.’
‘In fairness, to say that Washington, Brussels, and Budapest have some pre-existing policy disagreements is a laughable understatement. Nonetheless, the question remains: Why is Hungary growing closer to China as the West grows further away? The short answer is: it’s complicated.’
Government Commissioner for the Development of Modern Settlements Alpár Gyopáros stated that when the programme started, village medical practice premises and their medical equipment were outdated, and there was a shortage of general practitioners in rural areas. Along with the renovation of surgeries, their entire equipment was modernised at 1700 locations, and to reduce the shortage of general practitioners, the government launched a programme for medical housing as well.
The Transcarpathian-Hungarian mathematician left the teacher’s pulpit behind to volunteer for the Ukrainian military.
The military journalist’s charity is sending strictly civilian aid, such batteries, drones, and food, to the 68th Transcarpathian Special Battalion which includes many ethnic Hungarian soldiers fighting on the front. Mr Trautmann also shared some insights into the mood and general mindset within the Ukrainian military.
‘Veszprém is clearly looking for its place. However, it is close to Budapest, Vienna, Győr, and Lake Balaton, the landscape is also beautiful and its location and millennia of tradition all predestine it to be a cultural capital and a gastronomic centre. It has all the necessary ingredients.’
The ministry emphasised that combined cycle gas turbine power plants can be built relatively quickly, have exceptionally high efficiency, low specific carbon dioxide emissions, and their capacity can be adjusted to consumption levels.
In the autumn legislative package, the government will broaden the competencies of general practitioners, for example, they will regain prescription rights for certain medications that were previously taken away.
Edmund Burke is widely revered in conservative circles. However, due to the taboos of modern politics, his views on democracy are seldom debated.
According to Chief of the Prime Minister Office Gergely Gulyás, the developments in Tarcal are clear evidence of the rapid growth of the Tokaj region, and consequently, the whole country. He added that the nearly 620 million forints worth of road reconstruction, supported by the government, will make vineyards accessible by bike and on foot, not only for the winemakers and landowners, but also for those who visit Tokaj-Hegyalja for tourism purposes.
It seems that the majority of MEPs are aware of the legal and political limitations of the options for action outlined in the Meijers Committee’s analysis, but are committed to continuing to exert political pressure on Hungary and Poland in the coming months.
Lira was arrested and detained by Ukrainian authorities for allegedly producing Russian propaganda in late April. According to his claims, he was tortured in prison and was denied legal counsel. He was released on bail in July, and is now apparently attempting to reach Hungary to seek political asylum to avoid being sent to a prison labour camp for years.
Since 2010, the government has been working towards achieving full employment and building a labour-based economy. Compared to 2010, one million more people are now employed in Hungary, and the number of those employed is steadily approaching 4.8 million.
The event series offers spectacular and exciting adventures for both young and old during the August meteor shower period. The programmes include telescope demonstrations, astronomical lectures, and meteor-watching sessions.
‘Gárdonyi was a unique personality, a distinctive Hungarian writer, in both his good qualities and his faults. He cannot be branded or put in a box. He must be seen in the light of what he created, with his insightful criticisms taken to heart, and his failures appropriately assessed.’
According to State Secretary Bence Rétvári, this year, 18,845 people applied for teacher training, of which 10,514 were admitted, of whom 9,674 will study on a government scholarship. The number of admitted students has not been this high in the past six years, he stressed.
It is quite clear that the Ukrainians would have never survived this long against the Russian aggression without the financial and military assistance of the US. Yet the Biden administration has thus far offered no strategic argument on behalf of the costs and risks, let alone what is the overall end objective of the war.
Kristóf Deák’s 2022 crime drama was awarded in the Audience Choice Award for Best Feature category at the Stony Brook Film Festival. The director has won an Academy Award as well in the past for one of his previous works.
‘Whatever form it takes, whatever its emphasis, American exceptionalism does exist, and it is definitely reflected in the attitudes of both ordinary Americans and American politics. It is what American sociologist and political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset simply called ‘Americanism’. This whole sense of exceptionalism is part of the American identity.’
US President Joe Biden’s son was supposed to enter a plea agreement in which he pleads guilty to two misdemeanour charges of tax evasion. However, in an unexpected turn of events, the judge ended up not accepting the deal after the defence and prosecution failed to agree whether it would shield Hunter Biden from any potential further charges. The Biden family’s shady dealings go way deeper than what was included in the plea bargain.
The ongoing conflict has seen the direct targeting of religious symbols, places of worship and refuge as more than 250 churches of different denominations have been burned down or damaged across the state. Since the clashes began, 180 people were killed, thousands have been injured, more than 60,000 have been displaced, and more than 12,000 have fled to the neighbouring Mizoram state.
The Hungarian currency, the forint celebrates its 77th birthday on 1 August. But in reality, the forint’s history can be traced back to as long ago as the 1320s.
Meanwhile, the Hungarian women’s sabre team also won a gold medal of their own at the FIE Fencing World Championships. Hungary tends to overperform in sports compared to its population size consistently.
The company operating the airport said that the total annual passenger count measured so far is now only 9.4 per cent behind the record year of 2019, surpassing previous expectations.
The Budapest embassy stated that the United States government made significant efforts over the years to avoid this modification and resolve the longstanding security risk resulting from the Hungarian simplified naturalisation process. However, the Hungarian government decided not to address the concerns raised and did not take the necessary steps to fully comply with the VWP requirements.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.