The concept of the ‘Bulwark of Christendom’ appeared in all border areas where two civilisations and religions came into contact. However, the conscious and regular use of the term is linked to the Italian humanists of the 15th-century Renaissance, who greatly contributed to the formation of the modern image of Europe.
In an exclusive interview with Hungarian Conservative, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum talked about a number of interesting topics, including the US Embassy’s billboard campaign in Hungary, Hungary’s role in defending traditional values in Europe, and the 2024 US Presidential election.
Sowell begins his book by stating that there are many explanations for inequalities, which broadly fall into two extreme categories: some believe that inequality is rooted in descent, in genetics, while others believe that the less well-off are exploited by the rich. Sowell believes in neither as an exclusive explanatory factor. Instead, he holds that success depends on certain preconditions, where even small differences can lead to big differences in outcomes.
Ágnes Hornung reminded that the government has expanded and enhanced the family support system year after year to facilitate childbearing, child-raising, home-building, and work alongside child-raising, all with the aim of leaving more money in the hands of families.
Péter Szijjártó stated that one of the main pillars of the government’s foreign economic strategy is the economic relationship with China. ‘Companies like Huawei, which not only invest and create jobs in Hungary but also share technological knowledge and actively support domestic higher education, play the most important role in this,’ he declared.
The truth of the matter is that AI is here to stay. It is the future. While we may be some time away before, and if, we are confronted with a ‘HAL’ as the astronauts in Discover One, AI could be apocalyptic if it is under the wrong hands. At the same time, would anyone care to tell us whose are the right hands?
Given the resurgence of the concept of central planning, it is vital to recall that even 20th century scholars recognised the profound flaws inherent in such a techno-optimistic approach. One of the intellectuals opposing this mindset was Michael Polanyi, a Hungarian British polymath, whose ingenuity brought about important discoveries in physical chemistry, philosophy and economics.
According to Thomas Molnar, intellectualism is only a brief flash between the religious and technological society. More dangerous than its waning light is its ‘thunder’, i.e. the unspoken problem of the Century, which is revealed unmistakably only after the lightning.
Hungary’s first female president took office in especially troubled times with a war raging in a neighbouring country. However, despite the challenges, she grew into the role of president quite fast and seamlessly, and has represented Hungary country in many high-profile diplomatic missions since her inauguration.
Changing decision-making in areas crucial to state sovereignty would create a specific system of majority tyranny where, although it would be easier to adopt a Council position and bring together a majority of votes, political divisions would be further deepened and the democratic functioning and legitimacy of the Union as an institution would be undermined, and the long-term consequences of this would be unforeseeable in today’s already uncertain times of crisis.
Although we clearly cannot consider László Németh a conservative thinker in the ‘classical’ sense, we can still regard him as an interesting writer. He is worthy of our attention especially with regard to his critique of technocracy. In fact, he expressed valuable insights regarding the dominance of technical rationality, but also in many areas of culture, therefore his works can serve as valuable food for thought for conservatives who are willing to expand their horizons in new directions.
Human inventions such as contraception that ‘simplified the process’ of accessing sexual pleasures, had the ultimate side effect of devaluing romantic love, as what used to make it precious was the difficulty of overcoming the cultural and societal barriers of attaining the subject of one’s admiration, Stanislaw Lem argued.
‘It is strange to see that some people in the West think that Hungary is reactionary simply because of having a sane family policy,’ Professor Daniel J. Mahoney opines. An interview about statesmanship, human nature and the pitfalls of liberal democracy.
Although today violence is no longer the primary form of persecution Christians face in the country, they still endure other serious forms of discrimination. Among the most pressing issues are economic problems, incompetent legislation by the government and conflicts from inter-communal relations, which they suffer from not just because of their faith, but also because they are an ethnic minority in the Kurdish region.
Hungarian weekend schools are also emerging in the farthest corners of the world, with new locations such as Tokyo, Abu Dhabi, and Singapore launching weekend Hungarian school activities for the local Hungarian diaspora communities.
MCC and Hungarian students from the Carpathian Basin will now gain access to further unique educational and learning opportunities. In addition, the talent nurturing institution will also participate in serious international research projects together with Modul University.
The prime minister said that Veszprém’s performance shows that when Brussels bureaucrats manage to defeat their ‘well-developed Hungarophobia,’ then together, Hungary and Brussels can achieve great things.
Hungary has become a serious film industry hub in recent years and is now a leader in Europe, only second to London, with film production becoming a significant contributor to the country’s economy.
This year, the Hungarian academic community commemorates the hundred and twentieth anniversary of the birth of the second ‘Martian’ scientist, John von Neumann, with a variety of events, publications, and exhibitions.
The successful American talk show host spoke at an event at the Danube Institute. He covered a whole slew of topics, including Trump vs DeSantis in next year’s Republican primary, why he left his left-wing politics behind, and Hungary’s child protection law.
According to Frontex data, 330,000 illegal migrants arrived in Europe last year, based on which the revenue of human smugglers could have reached 1,7 trillion forints, Bence Rétvári highlighted in interviews with Hungarian public media.
Péter Polt was unanimously voted to serve as vice president of the European network of public prosecutors. The 2025 NADAL Network conference will be held in Budapest as well.
The minister reported at a press conference following the meeting of the Hungarian-Serbian Economic Joint Committee that the contract for the planned oil pipeline, to be established in cooperation between Mol and Transnafta, will be signed at the 20 June government summit.
The six years since the start of Apollo Tyres’ operations in Hungary have been characterised by exceptionally close cooperation and good relations between the company and the Hungarian government.
How could Hungarians celebrate the EU, when it is seen as a threat to their ideals, God, nation, and family?
Porsche Hungaria Kft. and Mercarius Fleet Management Ltd. donated two vehicles to the Hungarian Interchurch Aid in order to help their work in Vizsoly and its surrounding area.
The Hungarian Defence Forces’ JAS-39 Gripen fighter aircraft and H145M and Mi-24 helicopters will fly over the Ludovika campus on Saturday as part of the Ludovika Festival in Budapest.
Ferenc Kalmár said that unfortunately, in recent times, there has been regression rather than progress in the issue of national minorities on a global scale, and the Russo-Ukrainian war has further exacerbated the situation.
Today, confirmed anti-Semites may be the ‘great friends of the Jews’, but members and sympathisers of the government that proclaims ‘zero tolerance’ regarding anti-Semitism at all international and domestic fora, and which unequivocally stands by and up for Israel, can be labelled as the ‘new anti-Semites’. Israelis cannot invoke the Holocaust as an argument of her legitimacy and a historical event of her people, because the ‘new Jews’ are Palestinians and migrants. Now ‘Nazi’ apparently denotes a right-wing Jew in some circles, while Nazis seem to be the ‘guests of honour’ at seder tables.
The documentary is narrated by Hollywood actress Ema Horvath, who also worked on the prequel series to ‘The Lord of The Rings’.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.
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