‘We cannot look at the European Union as those who must be listened to and must always have the best solutions in a suitcase to Bucharest or Warsaw,’ Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki stressed in Bucharest.
Consul Ferenc Papp was among the distinguished guests attending the celebratory event. As he pointed out in his speech, in 2021 and 2022, the Hungarian government spent a total of nearly 5.2 billion forints on renovating the churches and religious facilities of Hungarian communities beyond the borders.
The US Ambassador announced that three senior officials of IIB, including a Hungarian citizen, Imre Laszlóczki, and two Russian nationals, Nikolai Kosov and Georgi Potapov have been placed on the list of sanctioned individuals. IIB is a platform for Russia to extend its influence in the region, and is therefore a potential threat for both the European Union and its Western allies, Pressman stated.
The new law just passed by the National Assembly provides additional protections to whistleblowers; as well as ascribes duties to create confidential abuse report systems to private companies of a certain size and institutions in the public sector.
‘Looking at the stories, or the food, rituals and traditions surrounding them, Passover and Easter couldn’t be more different at first sight. But if we look closely, we can see that Passover and Easter are intimately linked on many levels.’
This article will present the reader with a basic understanding of the tragic but triumphant life of Whittaker Chambers, the man whose dramatic, twelve-word encounter with God and subsequent heroic exploits became the inspiration for a new generation of conservatives, like Ronald Reagan.
The foreign minister emphasised right after winter, ‘in Europe, it is fashionable to strut about with great bravado these days,’ but the International Energy Agency recently issued an ‘ominous’ report indicating that the most severe difficulties are expected to come in the next heating season when supply security will be critical.
US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman caused quite an outrage with his recent decision to invite Jobbik president Márton Gyöngyösi to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Pesach at his residence. Gyöngyösi called for the creation of a list of Hungarian politicians of Jewish ancestry some years ago.
The ‘mental gym’ works just like a library. One can visit the room and lend a tech tool as they would a book. The high-tech arsenal of the ‘mental gym’ was on display during the presentation.
Celebrate the Day of Hungarian Poetry by reading the English translation of poems written by some of the greatest Hungarian poets, Attila József, Miklós Radnóti, Mihály Vörösmarty, Endre Ady, and Dániel Berzsenyi!
‘Conservatives and conservatism have featured in American political life from the beginning. The problem is that the history of American conservatism does not map onto contemporary ideological templates.’
‘While, as we can see, more and more Western governments support the over-sexualisation of children with LGTBQ programmes, Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga filed a counterclaim with the Court of Justice of the European Union in favour of the Hungarian Child Protection Act. She also highlighted in her Facebook post that Hungary will continue to “stand by its conviction and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union that education is a national competence and that parents have the right to decide on the upbringing of their children.”‘
While some of the reservations regarding Easter-related folk traditions articulated from a female perspective can be appreciated, it is questionable whether it makes sense to conduct a Bolshevik-style anti-tradition campaign against rural folk customs. Of course, it is important that this Easter pouring of water in a traditional Hungarian family should be done with the consent of the girls. But it is pointless to pretend that there is any connection between that and the rape culture in the art world.
The Budapest Museum of Fine Arts-National Gallery and the Janus Pannonius Museum of Pécs is celebrating the 170th anniversary of the birth of the great artist with a joint exhibition. The art display will feature around 40 pieces, as an homage to one of the most original and best-known figures in Hungarian art history.
Experts fear that the government are making it difficult to claim these parcels on purpose; and that the former land confiscations by Slovak authorities have effects that still linger.
Learning how much we have already achieved during the past two millennia gives us strength, says Csaba Böjte. An interview about the foundations of European Christianity, childcare and the purpose of human life.
‘For I was the Doubting, the unbeliever:
I believed you were no more, no more than a figment,
and dipping my faithless fingers into your wound,
I know what the resurrection of the body means,
and I cannot speak, I only stammer:
I am Hungarian.’
Safety is an important consideration for many travellers when choosing their destinations, and Budapest is known for being a safe place to visit.
From the perspective of Europe, the Hungarians’ conversion to Christianity was by no means an unbroken continuation of their raids—the Hungarian people was still considered suspicious, barbaric, and prone to paganism for a long time.
‘The current labour situation in Central and Eastern Europe is the real chance of the Roma right now. To be the working ones, the last ones, the valuable ones, the respected ones. Of course they need at least a basic education for that, but let’s admit: the colour of one’s skin and their ethnic background have a much lesser importance for employers nowadays than 15 or 20 years ago. If you are capable and available, come and get the job immediately, employers say.’
Even though The Innocence of Pontius Pilate by David Lloyd Dusenbury offers no mystic resolution of Pilate’s drama, the philosophical conclusions it draws from the trial of Jesus are indeed far-reaching.
In addition to her work at the Bethesda Children’s Hospital, Hungarian psychologist and singer Klára Korzenszky gives fairy tale concerts based on children’s psychodrama and fairy tale therapy with her ensemble Klárisok. For her, being a singer and being a clinical psychologist are inseparable.
Soltész pointed out that Pilisvörösvár is one of the most significant settlements of the German minority in Hungary. The State Secretary recalled also that the national minority scholarship recognises not only outstanding academic performance but also work for the community.
After reviewing the energy situation at the cabinet meeting on Wednesday, the government determined that all necessary resources are at its disposal to keep in place the utility cost reduction programme for households with average energy consumption.
To make the process of reducing inflation as strong and significant as possible, all possible tools must be used, they added. For this reason, in collaboration with the government, the Hungarian Competition Authority is establishing an online price monitoring system based on international examples, which contributes to increasing market competition and preventing overpricing.
The government supports the planned development works of Hungaroring in Mogyoród, and according to preliminary plans, the 2026 Hungarian Grand Prix will be held in the completely renovated facility.
The four-day Hollókő Easter Festival includes folk programs, Palóc cuisine, bucket-dumping water fights, Kerekes Band and Parno Graszt concerts, as well as children’s programmes.
The Hungarian foreign minister reminded that the rights of Transcarpathian Hungarians have been systematically curtailed in Ukraine since 2015, and the most recent example of this is that minority schools have become impossible to operate since September this year.
French television regularly reports on accidents between pedestrians and often speeding scooter riders, and in Paris, rental scooters are a constant problem for the municipality, as people leave them at random spots, without any unified post-use regulations.
PM Orbán shared his message of support for the former US President on Twitter. Donald Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree in New York City, all related to the same act, paying off a mistress to keep quiet about their affair. Democrat Senator John Edwards had a nearly identical case, which did not result in a conviction in 2012.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.