‘The immigrationist policy pursued by Brussels must end, and European countries should be supported in protecting their own territory and at the same time the territory of the European Union,’ Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó declared.
Modern Hungary is not just a model for conservative statecraft, but the model. Americans, Brits, Spaniards, Australians—everyone—can and should learn from it. And by the way, I think we will, as The Heritage Foundation will be a major advocate of it on both sides of the Atlantic.
The massive electric vehicle-related investments that Debrecen has secured over the past year represent a major step in Hungary’s shift toward a more sustainable economic development.
Aversion to work was not unique to the leaders of the emigration. After a while, Mihály Révész, a social-democratic journalist in exile, had enough of living abroad and tried to get a job in Budapest. But when his left-wing friends found him a job as a manual worker, he turned it down, indignantly declaring ‘I won’t be a street sweeper’.
How will the struggle between Russia and the West play out? The answer to that may depend on Hungary.
To reassure the public that the government cares for the soldiers in Ukraine and their families, Putin has met with a carefully selected group of mothers whose sons are fighting or have died on the frontline in Ukraine.
Back in 2014, Merkel made it clear that while Europe should pursue a tough policy on Russia, it should also work on a diplomatic solution to end the hostilities. That type of commitment to achieving peace is exactly the approach Europe misses in the current conflict.
Schiffer also stressed that FIFA—and rightly so—takes action against homophobic slurs and acts, just as it does not allow players to be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation. ‘Considering that, why on earth demonstrate?
Marriage is the mutual commitment of a man and a woman with the intention to accept the unity and indissolubility of the spouses, with the end of procreating and properly raising offspring. It is not the desire to emotionally and physically share intimacy.
Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka is now recognized as one of the greatest Hungarian painters who ever lived. The artist’s work, however, was discovered only a decade after he died in poverty.
Russia has banned the spread of ‘propaganda’ on ’non-traditional’ sexual orientations and gender identities to all age groups (adult or minor) online, in advertisements, films or in public.
The gap between reality and the striving for a pure Christian social life angered many conservative public figures in the Horthy era. In his diary, Prohászka wrote that for Hungarian men, ‘using a prostitute is like drinking a cup of coffee’.
Energy-intensive industries are starting to migrate to America because of the much cheaper gas and electricity available there—POLITICO cited Belgian chemical giant Solvay as an example, which recently announced that it would no longer make any investments in Europe and would take all its production to America.
The obvious question arises: why don’t the activists let their voice be heard in Asia, where the emission rate is continually growing and is now over three times higher than it was in 1990, and more than five times higher than in Europe?
The European General Court on Wednesday rejected the Austrian government’s lawsuit against the European Commission, confirming that the Paks nuclear power plant expansion had indeed not received illegal state funding.
The claim by politicians that our outward actions do not have to reflect our conscience because they are afraid of ‘imposing’ beliefs on others—which they do not—is sanctimonious. In fact, it is their way of thinking and their legislation that are an imposition on us.
According to the latest data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), the gross average wage of full-time employees increased by 17.8 per cent in September in the case of businesses with at least five employees, budgetary institutions and non-profit organizations significant in terms of employment. The gross median wage rose by 17.2 per cent, while the net average wage, including tax breaks, by 18.4 per cent.
‘We have started building a network of conservative think tanks and foundations all over Europe. The only way to go forward for conservatives is to establish a collaboration between think tanks, foundations, politics and the media.’
On 23–27 November, the Vienna Book Fair featured thousands of fresh publications and hundreds of high-profile events with more than 500 authors and experts from around the world.
The relationship between the two great, freedom-loving, pro-family nations is not a ‘love affair.’ It is a centuries old, deeply rooted camaraderie and alliance, and that is a reality that is hard to override.
In this article we describe ten wonderful places in Budapest where you can relax a little in the last month of 2022.
Imagine how frustrating it must have been for the American Democrats to see Orbán winning with record numbers after they invested millions of dollars in influencing the 2022 Hungarian elections. It’s telling that those most concerned about democracy are the ones who are usually undermining it.
Minister Szijjártó stressed that persecuted Christian communities of the world can count on the support of Hungary even in times of economic difficulties. ‘Hungary as a nation has more than a thousand years of Christians statehood and it feels responsibility towards persecuted Christians around the world,’ the minister added.
In addition to meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv alongside other European leaders, Katalin Novák spent the weekend visiting ethnic Hungarian settlements in Transcarpathia.
The Czech Prime Minister said at the joint press conference that he was convinced the V4 cooperation had a future. He underscored that the meeting in Kosice was important, as ‘an open dialogue can be held even on issues on which there are different views.’
There was a time not too far off in the recent past when very few people in the Western world would have recognized words like ‘Copt’ or ‘Coptic Christian.’ By now the popular awareness of Copts in the Western consciousness has become more consolidated, and their identity more widely recognized.
Apparently, Russia’s air offensive is trying to split Ukrainian resources, while there is increasing pressure on the Russian troops in the south of Ukraine. However, a series of attacks on the power network may bring the Ukrainians to the negotiating table if life in the country becomes completely unbearable during the winter.
The Paks nuclear power plant currently prevents the emission of 14.5 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, and with the expansion, this will increase by another 17 million tons. In addition, about four billion cubic metres less natural gas will have to be used per year.
The violent persecution of minorities and various disenfranchised groups should be challenged at international fora and on the level of public diplomacy, and not in the football field with embarrassing stunts.
Twenty-two years have passed since the end of the last Yugoslav war. Two decades may be enough to rebuild a country, but the memories of the war and the wounds it caused are still present and will be present for a long time to come in the still unstable Balkans.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.