The overarching topic of the day was the changing media landscape in the digital age. However, speakers also tackled the issue of the left-wing bias in mainstream media today.
German journalist Mariam Lau finds it very difficult to deal with the fact that talented young people, open to modernity, are interested in Orbán’s policies. It is certainly not easy for a German journalist to acknowledge that there are young people who identify openly and firmly as conservative and patriotic. Frank Spengler reflects. Review.
Over the last couple of years, Chinese investments have greatly contributed to economic growth in Hungary, in sectors ranging from cargo transport to battery manufacturing.
The stoic acceptance of suffering is a virtue highlighted by all Christians, but it is the extreme case of martyrdom where the Coptic Church is arguably distinct from the rest.
Petr Pavel was elected as the next president of Czechia defeating Andrej Babiš, the former Prime Minister.
The real danger is not posed by those who would like to embellish public opinion of themselves with bribes, but the external and internal powers that can easily dictate to EU policymakers.
The more than two-metre-high equestrian statue in the Bamberg Cathedral has been a real tourist attraction since the 18th century, not least due to the horseman’s mysterious identity.
In any process whereby knowledge flows from the centre outward to the periphery, we are resigned to the gradual and all-encompassing inhibition of information and knowledge available to the system we inhabit and depend upon.
This article looks at some interesting twists and turns in the early history of the two major political parties that still determine the political landscape of the United States: the Democratic and the Republican Parties.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke about the war, the effect of sanctions and the intelligence report on the funding of the leftist parties during an interview on Friday.
Swedish media has suggested that Moscow may be behind the Saturday burning of the Quran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm.
This is no ‘journalism’—these are the tactics of the CIA and the KGB described in Cold War history books, played out in the 21st century in domestic contexts.
The Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Soviet Red Army on this day in 1945.
While Europe was busy disciplining Hungary and Poland, the far-left Socialist government of Spain, preparing for re-election, surreptitiously smuggled its politicians into the Constitutional Court.
Conservatives are those who uphold tradition, the nation, and the values of the Bible. If we take care to uphold those principles consistently, it will become increasingly difficult, and eventually impossible, for those who advocate other principles, to present themselves as conservatives.
Since all of Tate’s views greatly rely on blaming a system that intentionally represses their ‘truth’, censoring them only adds fuel to the fire.
The size of the Ukrainian trident compares to the magnitude of the massive Mukachevo castle the same way decades of Ukrainian rule compare to the one-thousand-year-old Hungarian history in Transcarpathia.
Whether the Western Balkans will be inside or outside Europe in the coming decades will also determine the development of the EU, President Katalin Novák emphasised.
Zsolt Gyulay, an Olympic champion himself, told reporters last Thursday that hosting the Summer Olympics in the capital city of Hungary is still the long-term objective, although a bid is not on the agenda at the moment.
There should be no doubt: images of German tanks making their way across Ukrainian mud to kill Russians would increase the popularity and legitimacy of President Putin’s war.
Retirement generates an income loss in all countries. However, Hungarian employees suffer the smallest decline in living standards after retirement in the whole of Europe.
‘I think that there is a huge interest in Germany but also in other European countries for that rediscovery of European ideals in real life.’
The abduction by the Soviets of Smallholder Party MP Béla Kovács marked the beginning of the consolidation of a Communist authoritarian regime in Hungary.
While ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ by Avalanche Games is expected to be one of the best-selling video games of 2023, some on the left want to sabotage the project because of Harry Potter creator JK Rowling’s views on transgenderism.
The designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organisation would be a serious step by the EU since only Bahrein, Saud Arabia and the United States did so.
Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi discussed the corruption in Brussels, double standards, and why he recommends that the EP adopt the Hungarian asset declaration system.
In a January article published in the Transcarpathian paper Magyar Szó, Ungvár (Uzhorod) Consul László Kuti spoke about 12 Hungarian soldiers having fallen—the Hungarian Foreign Ministry provides financial aid to the families of all Hungarian victims of the war. However, estimates have put the number closer to 100 recently.
The remarks of a senior Turkish official on 14 January imply that it is unlikely Sweden and Finland would be able to join NATO before June.
Parts of the December 2022 ruling that said sending migrants to Rwanda was legal may now be challenged at the UK Court of Appeal.
Constantin Schreiber’s novel is a work of fiction about Germany 30 years from now.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.