WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Wednesday that the world is closer than ever to the end of the long-running COVID-19 pandemic.
Mária Wittner, one of Hungary’s last 1956 revolutionaries, passed away on 14 September, at the age of 85. Today, we remember her life, her dedication to the fight against communist authoritarianism, and the sacrifices she made for Hungary’s freedom.
In the articles of the years of transition, it was a basic guideline that the Roma are the people who avoid work and have a criminal tendency; who must be forcefully integrated into the system of the new, “democratic”, socialist Hungary.
It has become fashionable to portray Member States’ right of veto as a prehistorical tool, which prevents the EU from functioning efficiently. In reality, unanimous decision-making is a key condition for joint EU action in the most sensitive areas, which should be valued rather than defeated.
After Brussels’ deception, Warsaw seems to be siding with Budapest again, and also seeking to revitalise the regional V4 cooperation.
The governor of New York has declared a state of emergency over polio, following two other states of emergency over COVID-19 and monkeypox. While encouraging polio vaccinations is important, New York should consider trust issues as well before scaring residents over a single known polio case.
The watchdog team proposed a plan to create a security protection zone around the biggest nuclear plant of Europe. They said that both Russia and Ukraine seem to show interest in the deal.
On Sunday a by-election was held in the 1st district of Budapest. With over 50 per cent of the votes Fidesz-KDNP candidate Csilla Fazekas emerged victorious.
The amendment to the Hungarian abortion law, which has been unchanged for about 30 years, now requires mothers to listen to the foetal heartbeat before obtaining an abortion.
Hungary stands against the proposal to put a price-cap on Russian gas, said Tamás Menczer in an interview on Tuesday.
According to the new 2022 index, Hungary has risen further, becoming one of the most peaceful and safest countries in the world, reports Hungarian online news magazine Mandiner.hu.
While member countries agree that there is a need to curb energy prices, differences have surfaced as to the details of the intervention.
While the United Kingdom mourns the Queen’s death, some rejoice that an ‘oppressor’ and ‘symbol of colonialism’ has died. Against all vile accusations, it is crucial to remember that the Queen’s legacy is an overwhelmingly positive one.
Defying threats to her life and a concerted media smear campaign, Giorgia Meloni is set to write history as Italy’s first female prime minister.
The new buildings came into being following the lobbying of the members of the National Art Society of Hungary, who, until then, in the absence of a permanent exhibition facility, had been presenting their works in private apartments and in temporary and unsuitable locations, only dreaming of permanent annual exhibitions as in the salons of Paris.
Historians and researchers have revealed a lot of information about the past of our country and capital, but the origin of the names of Buda and Pest is still unclear, although there are several explanations for it.
The term is more and more frequently heard from the lips of generations who were born long after the 90s, but do they and those older than them use it correctly, and are they aware of its exact meaning?
We now stand at the cliff edge of the truth quarry, where mass media and technology have facilitated what Stalin always wanted: ‘engineers of human souls’.
In this article, we attempt to present the contradictory situation the Hungarian royal police found itself in after the German occupation of 1944.
Meghan Markle has managed yet again to provoke outrage in the United Kingdom. Many have accused her of falsely claiming victimhood and criticised her for her self-absorbed remarks in Manchester.
The conference featured several distinguished speakers, including Tristan Azbej, State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Julianna Taimoorazy.
Russia is turning to Iran and North Korea due to Western sanctions preventing its access to cutting-edge technology. Rapprochement between these countries, however, does certainly not serve the interest of the West.
Compared to last year, the number of illegal border crossings at the Czech-German border increased by roughly 140 per cent in June, and even more migrants made generally successful attempts to enter Germany in August.
As fears over Russian gas supplies continued to drive up energy costs, the Kremlin stated that Russia won’t fully restore its gas exports to Europe unless the west relaxes its sanctions against Moscow.
Mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Hungary remembers her historic visit in 1993, when she expressed joy over the country joining the family of democratic Western nations after decades of state socialist rule. Over the years, not only Her Majesty, but other members of the royal family, and the new monarch, King Charles III in particular, developed a special relationship with Hungary.
When we think of the scale of suffering the war in Ukraine has been causing worldwide, it is hard to believe that Kyiv all but finalised a peace agreement with Moscow as early as April, less than two months into the war, only to be pressured by the West to drop it. Recent revelations strongly suggest that this might be the case.
On Thursday, Gergely Gulyás held his regular press briefing detailing the government’s latest measures to tackle the energy crisis.
The fact that Austria, which also lost the war, was being compensated at the expense of Hungary, made the situation even more unacceptable for Hungarians.
A base on Mars, a renaissance city, a giant spaceship, the streets of New York, the Rothschilds, Matt Damon, Will Smith, and Jeremy Irons—all pointing to the same place: the Korda Studios in Etyek, a small town next to Budapest, where the largest film studio complex in Europe is located. Major productions with top stars are lining up for shooting time there.
Although Israel is stronger than ever, the permanent existential threat the Jewish State has had to endure is still present. The stakes are particularly high, both for Israel and its allies in the wider world. Benjamin Netanyahu offers known solutions to current challenges, answers that proved to be right in the past thirteen years. This November might well be the month of the return of Israel’s longest serving prime minister.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.