The Russel-Einstein Manifesto provides a great insight into why our differences must be set aside in order to abolish the threat of nuclear Armageddon.
Extreme weather events are increasingly more common due to climate change. How will Hungary tackle the ever-growing damage caused by these disasters?
The European Parliament denied the decree that would have deemed both nuclear energy and crude-oil as unsustainable sources.
With worrisome news circulating about the health of Pope Francis, many foresee the election of the first Hungarian pope in history, which could mean an important turning point for the whole Catholicism.
What classifies Petrarch as a humanist was his belief that secular literature and philosophy could enlighten all men and bring about an end to, what Flavio Biondi called, the darker ages of distrusting the critical thinking and non-religious wisdom of the ancients.
Márton Gyöngyösi, the new president of the party proposed to draw up a list of Jewish people in the country, since he thought they are a risk to national security.
Issues concerning the phenomenon of transgender women competing against biological women in sports were discussed at this event.
The recently accepted laws raise the parking prices of Budapest to a new high, many car owners are in panic.
Germany’s energy transition (Energiewende), the bid to phase-out nuclear and coal energy to create a green economy, is catapulting them towards an energy crisis.
Life may begin at the moment of conception, but banning or restricting abortion access is not an effective method of reducing the number of abortions.
The artist’s current exhibition features photo-realistic oil on canvas paintings that depict historical buildings and sceneries of the capital city, of the Hungarian countryside and historical Hungary. The exhibition will remain open until the beginning of August. Do not miss it!
While in Norway strikes have broken out due to the workers in the energy-industry being underpaid, Hungarian gas reserves and production are standing strong.
Until now, Hungarian international investments were present most spectacularly in the banking and oil industries, but the phenomenon has also been spreading to a much lesser extent in the cultural sector. This time, the hostile attitude towards Hungarian capital outflows is most noticeable in Slovakia.
2021 and 2022 saw record breaking numbers for forcibly displaced individuals, as 100 million people were forced to abandon their homes and seek shelter elsewhere or had to leave their country altogether. Forecasts do not seem to paint a favourable picture for the future, as these numbers are just the beginning.
With the expansion of the nuclear plant at Paks, the gas consumption of Hungary could be reduced to half.
How did feminism which was predicated on pursuing the equality of women disconnect from those it was supposed to serve?
The situation of the Gypsies in this period ranged from tolerance and jovial disdain to exclusion, which literary historian János Hankiss characterized a quarter of a century later by saying that the Gypsies were ‘relatable strangers’ in Hungarian culture.
The rashly introduced sanctions due to the raging war might push the European Union into a food crisis.
As colonel commandant, Kováts’s main mission was to train a cavalry in the tradition of Hungarian hussar tactics. Within months, the legion had become the best-trained and most reputable cavalry unit fighting in the Continental Army.
Today marks the 246th anniversary of American colonists declaring their independence from the British Crown, the day when, as an independent and sovereign nation, the United States of America proclaimed liberty, justice, and freedom for all.
Today there are about 30 thousand abortions per year in Hungary, as opposed to the peak reached under socialism with nearly 200 thousand pregnancy terminations per year.
‘A destructive press campaign was launched against me and I was just charged with vile fascist crimes, I, who not only suffered from the persecution of the fascists, but whose relatives were all killed by Fascism.’
As a “warm-up” UATX launched its first in-person programme earlier this summer in Dallas. The summer university was titled ‘Forbidden Courses’ and it was dedicated to the most vexing questions of our time.
No one has suggested that trans athletes should not compete, they should have every right to do so, but in their own category, in order to create as much of a fair playing field as possible.
Hungary’s defence capability has grown significantly, which is essential not only for self-defence and deterrence purposes but also for the country to remain an influential contributor to regional, European and transatlantic security efforts in trying times.
Through the adoption of the welfare state, or its more extreme form, the entitlement state, western economies took up huge financial liabilities which might hold serious questions for economic policy in the upcoming decades.
While most of the time Emmanuel Macron appears to be completely in line with the common position represented by the NATO allies and the European Union member states, there are occasions when he dissents.
The memorial day is dedicated to honouring the hard work, the unrelenting sacrifice and outstanding achievements of healthcare workers in Hungary.
The EU is seemingly ill-equipped to deal with the potential crises, so in order to protect the citizens of Hungary and other member states, fundamental changes are necessary. But what exactly is the Party Alliance’s vision for the EU?
The best days of the period between the two world wars are evoked by Art Deco Budapest, a new exhibition in the Hungarian National Gallery.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.