19 June is a reminder of the hard-earned freedom and independence of Hungary – between 19 March 1944 and 19 June 1991, for 47 long years, Hungary was occupied for foreign powers.
From Hungary to Brazil, from Eger to Rio. In memory of Archduchess Maria Leopoldina of Austria, Royal Princess of Hungary and Bohemia, Empress consort of Brazil, on the 200th anniversary of the independence of the country (1822–2022).
The possibility was unnoticed or at least underrated, that the AUKUS agreement was a strange victory, not only for AUKUS members, but also for another region, usually chastised by the world’s political elite: Central and Eastern Europe.
The rise of political and spiritual disunity in early modern Europe coincides with what Patočka calls
the desire to “project […] the division of Europe upon a division of the world” — in a word, colonialism.
Frequent charges against the Commission are predominantly based on the fact that it lacks democratic legitimacy for making decisions regarding issues of ideology, and it is not held accountable by anyone for its political decisions, which would certainly be unthinkable in democratic circumstances.
Matt Walsh’s new documentary called “What is a Woman?” sheds light on the contradictory nature of the transgender movement and some of the most uncomfortable truths as well as the hurtful lies around the twisted social norms of our age. A must-see.
Ultimately, there is no Church legislation to remove a Pope from his Office, although that does not mean that a Papal law cannot be formulated to the effect. Until then, the principle of “the First See is judged by no one” remains fully intact.
During the 1956 Revolution, as prime minister, Imre Nagy committed the Hungarian regime to introduce a free multiparty system, leave the Warsaw Pact, and work towards the neutrality of the country.
The opposition is growing at the political level and demanding early elections. According to Matovič, the coalition may fall in the Autumn. Sulík considers this differently: there is no reason for the government’s fall but the replacement of the Minister of Finance.
In his self-criticism after the Revolution, one of the leading politicians of state-socialist Hungary admitted that they were interested in only having the ‘right number of women’ in positions of responsibility, instead of genuinely working on women’s equality in representation.
Hirsi Ali establishes a link between immigration and increasing sexual violence against women, and traces back the root of the problem to the cultural differences between Christian Europe and Muslim-majority countries.
In the twelfth and final part of the Theologians on Modern Politics series, we would like to highlight the details of Pope Pius XII’s political thinking.
If we wish to understand the role of Christians in modern politics, it is essential to briefly present the thinking of Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903).
As soon as LGBT month (formally known as June) arrived, large companies turned rainbow-coloured once again – officially to proclaim their allyship with a ‘disenfranchised’ community, but in reality only to maximize their profits with yet another marketing ploy.
This particular date on which the achievements of Hungarian inventors is celebrated was selected because one of the first Hungarian Noble Prize winners, physician and biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi, who first isolated vitamin C and discovered the components of the citric acid cycle, announced his invention on this day in 1932.
It is our belief that the Western liberal elite’s irrational hatred of Hungary’s political culture is driven by a deeply entrenched sense of insecurity regarding its own legitimacy.
The issue is not the expression of religious beliefs by Islamists, rather the socio-political predicaments that come along with it.
Fuel prices soar across the West and there is no end in sight yet. As the patience of the people toward their helpless governments starts to run dry, there seems to be only one outlier – Hungary.
Science is merely a tool. Tools may be used—and abused—towards this or that end, but they do not determine the end that is chosen.
Some argue that the current push in the USA to extend discussions about sex in schools originates from György Lukács, and it has very malevolent intentions.
The main objective of the Hungarian conservatives was to create a political integration compatible with the national and cultural diversity of Central Europe.
One of the greatest achievements of the new Protestant belief was delivering the first complete Hungarian translation of the Holy Script and promoting literacy and the use of Hungarian to the general population.
England’s national football team performed the ‘BLM knee’ prior the game which was poorly received again and booed by the children as well prompting the concern about Hungarian children in the international media.
The conquerors shaped Hungarian cities and architecture: Christian temples were redesigned as mosques, new minarets and spas were built.
Did you know that Elizabeth II is a descendant of the Hungarian conqueror Árpád — of the female branches?
The collective Hungarian memory remembers him as a modern day martyr who fought for and believed in the freedom of Hungary until his premature death.
The discussion focused on the current energy crisis, in the context of the recent Hungarian and French elections and the Russian-Ukrainian war. The panelists also provided an expert analysis of Hungary’s energy structure and the challenges and difficulties posed by the inevitable energy transition.
Overall, the German automotive industry employs around 50, 000 people in the country and generates 2.5 per cent of the Hungarian GDP. The production value of the industry rose by 165 per cent between 2010-2019, so the influence and significance of the auto manufacturing industry is on the rise in Hungary.
The two political experts’ book on the violence of the political left – “Der Kampf ist nicht zu Ende” – is a real curiosity on the book market. The authors provide concise summary of a hitherto little examined topic – from the French Revolution through the Soviet era, to the present day.
The reports collected by the secret police were not necessarily political in nature – secret agencies collected information about the personal life of poets, sportsmen and the cultural elite, not only about the political opposition.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.