In this article we attempt to provide a brief overview of a thinking about politics as exemplified by the German theologian Erik Peterson.
There are two peoples, the Americans and the Hungarians, who strove for some of that nobility and righteousness, and thus can be examples for those striving for the same in the present.
Refugees can now access social welfare and medical assistance, while Ukrainian children have the right to attend education and day care in Hungary.
Hungarian Conservative – Volume 2, Number 1 – has been published!
Although Western politicians have repeatedly expressed the idea that Russia may be behind the migration crisis in Belarus, this does not seem to correspond with reality.
The 1848-49 Revolution and Freedom Fight fundamentally changed the course of Hungarian history, and it remains the core of Hungarian national identity to this day.
Spain’s civil war has been widely considered as the ‘dress rehearsal’ of the Second World War, a sort of test-run for the global conflict that followed shortly. Now, the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war is becoming increasingly similar to it in many of its aspects, but does that mean we’re heading in the same direction?
If NATO has already been militarily involved in non-member countries at the behest of Washington, why is it reluctant to assist Ukraine with anything but with arms provisions?
‘The House of Terror Museum has succeeded in celebrating the resistance of the Hungarian nation, and the heroes who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy today.’
The worst-case scenario is nuclear strikes by nuclear world powers, with consequences beyond our imagination. Now is the time to stop. To take two steps back. To understand what this war is about. To decide on what we want.
‘Today, European law, which had previously been on an equal footing, seems to be seeking hegemony over the legal systems of the member states, no longer merely to harmonize them, but to incorporate them in a furtive federalism.’
‘Complex simplicity’, was the catch-phrase picked by a critic to sum up the work of the Japanese architect, and this complex simplicity is indeed manifested in the House of Music, Hungary.
Even though by the late 1990s Hungary’s economic performance had recovered to its pre-transition levels, unhappiness persisted in the region – giving rise to the question: why?
The editor’s basic thesis is the irreconcilable opposition between conservative and liberal ideas, in contrast to the Western European trend that conservatism can be liberal.
Count Lajos Batthyány, the first Prime Minister of Hungary, is the spiritual father of our institution. Read more to find out about the sacrifices he made for the homeland.
Emmanuel Macron wants to incorporate the whole of the continent into Paris’ plans for Europe, which was already a cornerstone of President De Gaulle’s vision as well.
‘Every subject about marriage and family always focused on what the adults wanted rather than what the children needed, desired and even had a right to.’
‘I have been able to see a distinct feature in Europe: a complete lack of solidarity among Europeans. Part of this dichotomy stems from a lack of Christian leadership.’
The reign of terror of ‘the fanatic of an ideal’ led to a bloodbath instead of the realisation of ideas.
John Locke’s philosophy of the natural law did provide the means for people in liberal democracies to overcome all types of discrimination and segregation, simultaneously protecting our civil liberties.
Lacking accountability, secret policing under communism compromised Central European societies. The dark past of collaboration with communism still overshadows regional political culture.
While on the surface Putin’s responsibility for the crisis is apparent, the reality is that Putin was provoked by the West to invade Ukraine.
The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán also condemned the Russian move and at the same time made it clear that deploying Hungarian soldiers or military equipment to Ukraine was out of the question.
‘The right is standing in the same place. But the left continues to go further and further down the line, it is insane. I do not really know what to be liberal means anymore.’
Mathias Corvinus Collegium held a two-day summit in Budapest, hosting distinguished scholars and professors, well-known journalists and authors, activists and experts to have gripping discussions On the Values We Teach Our Children.
A recent leak of several interviews has shown a glimpse of the political manipulation done by unelected activist networks in Central Europe, but in fact this should be nothing new or surprising.
There is an alternative look at nationalism – as one that is compatible with classical liberalism, which promotes unity within the nation and solidarity with neighbouring countries.
There is very little sense of an objective, rational order in Islam because Allah’s laws do not have to conform themselves to any natural and rational order.
According to Tarasevich and other experts, the dramatic experience of starvation in Russia had been part and parcel of Russian existence for centuries.
In this piece, we venture to America again to immerse in the thoughts of Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918).
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.